This is perhaps the most practical part of training. Magic is not exactly natural. It is not unnatural either. It is our natural faculties accelerated to almost unnatural levels. That is when the preternatural begins to occur. It’s not supernatural, but it is beyond what is normal. This course is designed to encourage the speeding up of your natural faculties.
Okay so this is an important part of training and in the early stages, it should form about 2 thirds of your practice. Why should so much time be spent on it? Well, it is what makes magic real and makes the practitioner aware of it. Otherwise, they’re reading empty words in rituals they’re not experiencing on a psychic level. Without awareness of the psychic level, there is little difference between a reading ritual/spell and reading a part of a play. So it develops a natural feel for the spiritual effect of the ritual words until you can see and experience the effect and advance it.
After a while when the practitioner is confident in magical rituals and channelling, it can be reduced to about half of the learner’s time so they can spend more time gaining familiarity with spirits. Then later down to at most a third so they can continue to form familiarity with spirits and astral planes and spend some time learning theory too.
Firstly, click on the links below and try to work through them in order. The first couple are more about the why and what of magic muscles so they are less practical, but the process should get more practical as you go through.