Category: Uncategorized
Changing Coven
Sadly I found my previous coven was not very accommodating to my aggressive views on LGBTQIA+ rights. As a gay man, I can be a little bit stubborn when it comes to the rights of my community and let’s say my coven wanted me a bit more mellow and apologetic. They caught me at the…
Moon Magic
The focus of this article is really to determine and look at the best times for performing magic according to the lunar calendar. Firstly whoever said when a coven meets at a particular date for the moon is called an esbat was an idiot. Esbats can be at any time and don’t need to relate…
The Virus
I am writing about the Coronavirus. (CoViD-19 which stands for Corona Virus Disease of 2019 or SARS-Cov-2 which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Number 2). Its infection, its treatment and preventing it with or without vaccines. I receive a lot of messages about this and I hope to analyse it carefully, break it…
In the Yoruba region of Africa this is the Oral traditions of story telling where the Pitaki are told. Sometimes the deeds of a certain person became so well known they became part of the Itan, which often led to certain spirits becoming venerated as Saints or Gods. The most common deities to feature in…