Category: Uncategorized
Am I a Man or Woman?
I received a request asking if I were a man or a woman. So, I do include some information about me in this blog from time to time, but mostly it is done relatively anonymously. There’s a reason for that. Many people disregard a source before considering information. They throw out the baby with the…
Old X-files episode Kabbish
Loving this old episode of X-files which begins with the murder of a man called Isaac Luria. Interestingly he is murdered in what we assume is the mid-90s the time of the show, in New York, but his name bares a remarkable similarity to Isaac Luria of the mid-16th century, the creator of the modern…
Terms for Magical Practitioner
Insecure about your identity or personality? Struggling with low self-esteem? Don’t worry! You don’t need to be you anymore. You can pick one of the fantastic terms below and cultivate a new identity based on that. You don’t need to deal with your self-esteem issues, just build a cover to go over the top. (In…
A popular temporary marriage, available in Christian Tudor England and Scotland. Revived recently as a form of marriage ceremony among neopagans. Some consider treating it as temporary for a year and a day at which point, the couple will decide whether to be married fully or to separate without commitment. However, many neopagans ask why…
Running Iron
So this practice comes from the Feri and Reclaiming tradition and forms a major part of the book “Magic of the Iron Pentacle” by Meredith and Parma, which I am currently reading and reviewing. A huge part of this practice is working with an energy construct, which is connected to the egregore of the Iron…
Shadow Dance
Okay this is a podcast I used to love listening to back in 2006. It’s been unavailable for a long time because of copyright issues, but finally, it comes back and there’s a possibility of new episodes coming soon. Check it out! I am shocked as I listen again now, how I totally receive it…
The Four Empedoclean Elements
The four elements, known commonly in many Wicca, Hermetics and Thelema-based practices around the world, are Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These form a powerful way to work with the universe and with the self. They seem on the face of it, to be a massive oversimplification, but that does not stop the idea of…
Easy Access Planetary Herbs
A lot of spells often require strange herbs that you’re unlikely to have in your kitchen or garden. So for a newby, this means getting started involves buying loads of herbs that you don’t have or going out foraging for them and trying to identify them in the wild. Either way, that gate keeps the…
My Initiation of Air
Warning: This is UPG. As part of my magical training, I did my Earth degree for around 5 years much of which took me away from magic and I recently moved onto Air. Earth took me to the hard physical reality that you so rarely deal with when practising magic and Air suddenly returned me…
Elemental Work Table
I am writing this post, because I’m just trying to formulate a good table for the work my new coven will be doing going forward. I am trying to determine good work for each elemental grade to help them choose what they do for themselves going forward. My new coven is in a good place…