Category: Uncategorized

  • High Magic

    This is a difficult to define term because many people hold misconceptions and they are often more common than the correct opinion. Some people like to imagine that High Magic is good magic that led to mystic pursuits and Low Magic is evil magic that panders to base needs, but that does not seem to…

  • What is a Vampire or Otherkin?

    Vampires have always stood the test of time in the psyche of the occultist. Due to decomposition, when looking at a dead body in its coffin many days after it was buried, sometimes it looked engorged and it seemed to be full of blood. This led to the idea that the corpse had been feasting…

  • What is a Chaos Magician and Discordian?

    In the 1970s the philosophy of Chaos magic arose its practitioners are called Chaos Magicians or Chaotes. It was an attempt to strip away most of the dogma and religious mindset around the main occult traditions such as Thelema, Ceremonial Magic, and Neopagan ritual. The forerunners of Chaos Magicians sought to refine magic down to…

  • What is a Daoist?

    Sometimes spelt Taoist, but always pronounced Daoist, this is a practitioner of Daoism. Daoism is a modern mystic religion based in Chinese philosophy. The renowned yin-yang symbol (more accurately called the Taiji symbol) originates from Daoism. The most famous text that lays out the philosophy of Daoism is the Dao De Jing ascribed to Lao…

  • What’s a Yogi or a Tantrika?

    A yogi (or yogini) is a practitioner of Yoga who seeks to attain a state of unity with the divine through this practice. Yogis use a wide variety of methods to reach the divine such as jnana yoga (learning and wisdom), karma yoga (unselfish action), bhakti yoga (devotion to deity) and raja yoga (meditation). The…

  • What is an Oracle, Seer or Soothsayer?

    All these are terms for someone able to bring a message from another reality to help us. They can often predict the future, challenge us about the past or provide spiritual guidance. Soothsayer means “truth sayer”. Seer is a more modern word indicating someone who can see for example in Crystal balls or water. An…

  • What is a mystic?

    The term mystic means someone who seeks unity with the divine and experiences of the divine through ecstatic states of being. The origin of the term is in mystery cults (mysteria) which were spiritual groups that often took initiates through rituals designed to reveal the divine to them in stages. Each initiation ritual functioned like…

  • What is a Wazir or Vizier?

    This term is rarely used to mean magical. In fact, as much as it means a “barer of burders” and it is a title given to Aaron the helper of Moses in the Qoran. In modern day it is essentially used to mean Royal Court’s secretary for the last 2000 years, sometimes with some devolved…

  • What is a Medium?

    Someone who doesn’t eat enough and makes me look fat. Okay, jokes aside… A medium is someone who can channel spiritual entities or spiritual energy. They are the medium through which the message is conveyed. They often learn through participation in circles and séances and most frequently they attempt to convey messages from the dead.…

  • What is a Priest in Neopaganism?

    A priest or a priestess is often someone who speaks to the gods. In modern religions such as Christianity, a priest does a lot of the spiritual work for the layperson who then does not need to worry about the spiritual state of their soul so long as they follow their priest’s advice. The role…