Category: Uncategorized
Key phrase: I changePositive Attributes: Quick-witted, Versatile, Adaptable, Social, Expressive, Inquiring, Inventive, Intelligent.Negative Attributes: Too changeable, scatterbrained, conniving, fidgety, unable to focus Symbol The Twins Element Air Modality Mutable Tarot Trump The Lovers (Atu VI) HOGD associated Hebrew Letter Zayin (the sword)
Key phrase: I remainPositive Attributes: Stable, Dependable, Practical, SensualNegative Attributes: Short Tempered, Bull-headed, Slow, Stubborn, Possessive, Materialistic Symbol The Bull Element Earth Modality Kerubic / Fixed Tarot Trump The Hierophant / Pope (Atu V) HOGD associated Hebrew Letter Vav
Key phrase: I startPositive Attributes: Starting, Quick, Eager, Courageous, Independent, ImpulsiveNegative Attributes: Quick Tempered, Overbearing, Violent, Egotistical, Impatient, doesn’t follow through. Symbol The Ram Element Fire Modality Cardinal Tarot Trump The Emperor (Atu IV) HOGD associated Hebrew Letter Daleth (Thelema: Tsadhe)
Replacing Franz Bardon: The new 4 humours
Franz Bardon and the Four Humours: Outdated Theory, but Timeless Practice Franz Bardon, one of the most influential figures in modern Hermetics. At least he directed much of my own spiritual learning over the last 20 years. I acquired his book around 2007/2008 on recommendation from a friend after I had finished a more teen…
What is the circle on the birth chart?
When you request a birth chart very often you are presented with a chart similar this. But what actually is this circle? The earth and the other planets all mostly move in a flat plane in circular orbits around the sun. The circle is these orbits from the perspective of the earth. From the Earth…
How the Zodiac Ruling planets are laid out
Each of the zodiac signs are often associated with a personality. We often talk about them being a certain time of the year like 20th March to 20th April. This is when the sun appears to be flying through that sign in the sky. When the sun is in a sign it’s often hard to…
Altered States of Mind – Workshop
This is a quick romp through different methods of achieving altered states of mind for a workshop with my coven. This is meant to be suitable as a series of practical exercises. We rushed through this skipping the odd section and it took us about 2 hours to complete. Why include a section about Altered…
Israel-Palestinian Conflict
This is something that really makes me hot under the collar. I see people dying left right and centre and the media has a field day. Repeatedly the news is not even bothered about appearing neutral. The news frequently sides with Israel when both sides of the conflict are committing horrendous acts. I was distinctly…
Read Terry Pratchett
So nothing prepared me more for dealing with the Occult world than reading Terry Pratchett. You will not necessarily get some training in Tarot cards, Qabalistical Sephiroth, or Chakras from reading Terry Pratchett’s novels, but the author was incredibly inciteful about the dynamics of Occult groups, Contemporary Pagan Culture, and Occulture. It really isn’t hard…