Category: Uncategorized

  • Israel-Palestinian Conflict

    This is something that really makes me hot under the collar. I see people dying left right and centre and the media has a field day. Repeatedly the news is not even bothered about appearing neutral. The news frequently sides with Israel when both sides of the conflict are committing horrendous acts. I was distinctly…

  • Read Terry Pratchett

    So nothing prepared me more for dealing with the Occult world than reading Terry Pratchett. You will not necessarily get some training in Tarot cards, Qabalistical Sephiroth, or Chakras from reading Terry Pratchett’s novels, but the author was incredibly inciteful about the dynamics of Occult groups, Contemporary Pagan Culture, and Occulture. It really isn’t hard…

  • Was Aleister Crowley Antisemitic?

    I recently ended up in a discussion on a board where someone said they did not want to listen to anything Aleister Crowley had to say about anything because he was a drug addict and an antisemite. Okay, I think I will deal with the drug situation in another post. He definitely did do drugs…

  • Invocation of Ariel

    According to Agrippa’s Three books of Occult Philosophy Ariel is angel of the element of Earth. Ariel should not be confused with Uriel (who I will often spell as Auriel due to the Hebrew letters that make his name). Uriel is the Angel of the South quadrant although most modern practitioners place Uriel in the…

  • Nick Farrell is wrong: Magic is the Apex

    Time to take on the great Nick Farrell! Much of this article is written as a response to Nick Farrell’s article Signs that you might not be a real magician. Like a lot of this blog, I comment on the mindsets of being a magician. Mr Farrell and I are social media friends and that’s…

  • The Unfaithful have no Faith

    I note when performing rituals with some other pagans, they are always so quick to change all the rituals. When they are handed down traditional Hermetic, Rosicrucian, High Magic, Qabalistic and Grimoiric rituals. So quickly I hear people say “oh let’s get rid of this bit and add this in.” “I don’t like X and…

  • The Power of Nostalgia

    I don’t know about any of my readers, but I have books I learned from originally which I no longer hold in much esteem. Authors like Silver Ravenwolf, Oberon vel Ravenhart and Ted Andrews. You might not even remember the author. Maybe it was just a purpley-pink coloured cover with what looks like a sphere…

  • Is Magic Subjective or Objective?

    This is a great question. By which, I mean that I do not know the answer. I hope to explore it and give my view and the possible opinion of a view other people who had significant influences on the coming of our Modern Magic that we practice today. I am going to need to…

  • Don’t like Crowley? He’s still major source material

    I am going to quote a little bit of Crowley throughout this blog. I know people hate that. Sorry, but not sorry. A lot of people tell me they want someone else as the source of magic. I get it, you don’t like him. He has bad vibes and did a lot of stuff wrong.…

  • What is a Satanist or Setian?

    So this is quite hard to define since there are many philosophies and many of them are at odds with each other. It is important to understand the significant differences. Also to be aware that many of these groups would not like to see everyone who self-identifies as a Satanist in the same group. Theistic…