Category: Religion, Doctrine & Theory
Which of the 4 powers of the sphinx is associated with which element?
The powers of the sphinx appear originally in Eliphas Levi’s work Key to the Mysteries. Since then they have appeared mainly in the works of Aleister Crowley. There are 4 actions which are associated with the mystery of the Sphinx. The initiate is required to meditate on the mystery of the sphinx and obtain the 4…
Chesed – The Forth Sphirah on the Tree of Life and the divine name El
This page is just notes Occasionally the name of this Sphirah is Gedulah. Gikatilla describes El as the name that draws loving kindness (Gates of Light Yesod)
Unverified Personal Gnosis and Reality
Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG) is a way distinguishing between historical fact and what a person feels is true from their personal spiritual experiences. The word originates from reconstructionist Pagan circles. It describes a gnostic, mystical or spiritual experience which has no basis in historical fact. My friend Circe found that when she offered Strawberries to…
Geburah – The Fifth Sphere of The Tree of Life and the divine name Elohim Gebor
This page is notes The name of Geburah used by Rabbi Azriel of Gerona in his 1850 work explanation of the sphiroth is Pakhad (which means Fear). The power of Geborah to determine life In Gikatilla’s comments on the 9th Sephirah Yesod, he talks about life forming a pool at the name Elohim which is the main…
Kether – The First Sphere of the Tree of Life and the divine name Aheyah
The name for Kether given by Rabbi Azriel of Gerona was Rom Ma’alah which means elevated height. In her writing, Dion Fortune equates Kether, Tiphereth and Yesod to the holy trinity of Christianity. Kether being the father, Tiphereth being the son and Yesod is the holy spirit.
Yesod – The Ninth Sphere of the Tree of Life and the divine name Shaddai El Chai
This is just notes The name of the 9th sphirah is Yesod which means foundation. Rabbi Azriel of Gerona refers to it as Tsaddiq Yesod ‘Olam (which means the Righteous one is foundation of the world). Many of the descriptions of Yesod fit neatly with descriptions of energy work but it is important in order to…
Malkuth – The tenth sphirah of the tree of life and the divine name Adonai
In the mystical practice known today as Qabalah, it is common to imagine the divine as 10 different spheres often arranged into a specific pattern called the Tree of Life. While philosophy and practice differs from author to author, Gikatilla in his text Gates of Light suggests that the spheres are like gateways between man…