Category: Methods and Tips
21st Atu – The Universe – Thoth Tarot
This card symbolises the 32nd path on the Tree of Life, the path associated with the Hebrew letter Tau. This is the path that connects Yesod to Malkuth. It is associated with Saturn. This article is an attempt to analyse the pictures and symbols that appear on The Universe card of the Thoth Tarot Deck.…
The Symbols in the Thoth Deck
The Thoth deck was designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Freida Harris. It was compiled in the last few years of Aleister Crowley’s life and he also published a book about it called the Book of Thoth. This deck is perhaps the most symbol-heavy deck of tarot cards you will ever see. If…
32 – The Tau path – The Tree of Life
This article is a stub based on Nick of Cups‘s Youtube video concerning the Universe Card, Daniel Gunther’s notes on the Initiation in the Aeon of the Child, James Eshelman’s Mystical and Magickal System of the A.’. A.’., The Book of Thoth and the Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley, and more books on Qabalah.…
Energy Grounding
This is crucial for working with energy. It works similar to grounding an electrical circuit. It is common, particularly with people who are new to working with energy, for the energy to get too heightened for the subtle body to handle. Grounding the energy allows for the most aggressively heightened energy to be removed and…
Energy Shield
One of the most important things, especially early in psychic development, is learning to shield. When we are new to this sort of practice we get all sorts of unwelcome psychic sensations. It is easy to get nervous that we are bumping into demons or ghosts when usually it’s just a bit of place memory…
Exploring the Subtle Body
We have a physical body and whenever exercising it is important to know your body’s limits and what parts of the body can be used to do what. Anyone trying to use the muscles in their fingers to lift 100kg is likely to tear some muscles and tendons rather than build muscle. The subtle body…
The Emperor – Tarot
The Emperor is the male counterpart to the Empress card, many of the cards have a partner. In earlier decks such as Visconti-Sforza and the Marseille the Emperor is side on where as the Empress is facing the viewer. Earlier versions of this card feature the emperor side-ways on with crossed legs, and according to…
The Empress – Tarot
This card has generally been very consistent. It features a female ruler. Even as far back as the Visconti-Sforza deck she has a shield with her while her male counter part the Emperor has the globe. In Smith-Waite-Rider’s deck she also holds a wand with a globe on the end and her shield rests on…
The High Priestess – Tarot
So the real question in my mind is what Waite, who seems the least womanly of all the Golden Dawn men, would have to say about this card. I mean you had the men who adored women in the Golden Dawn, but couldn’t quite get them. The men who raised women up but then also…
The Magician – Tarot
The Magicians Sometimes called the Magus and sometimes the Juggler this card often features a man at table. Frequently on the in front of him are a series of tools. In the Smith-Waite-Rider deck the cools before him are the suits, but older cards have a variety of different tools. In the Smith-Waite-Rider deck he…