Category: Golden Dawn
Boaz and Jachin
Have been to a ritual where there was a white column and a black column and no-one bothered to tell you what they mean? You might be entitled to compensation… just kidding. So you might have come across these columns before. You see them on the High Priestess tarot card from Smith-Rider-Waite deck, labelled with…
What is Mount Abiegnus?
Perhaps you have come across this term in a Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ritual or the writing of Crowley. This article will contain ritual words from the HOGD so avoid it if you intend to undergo the initiation and do not want the ritual spoiled. Well, most of its description is in the…
The 4 Elemental Kings
The 4 elemental kings are some spirits that I feel are quite useful to new practitioners of magic. They do require a bit of getting used to and there are other options, but these are a good first choice for many practitioners. They are considered kings of each element or sometimes Sovereigns. They are believed…
The Magician – Tarot
The Magicians Sometimes called the Magus and sometimes the Juggler this card often features a man at table. Frequently on the in front of him are a series of tools. In the Smith-Waite-Rider deck the cools before him are the suits, but older cards have a variety of different tools. In the Smith-Waite-Rider deck he…
The Four Empedoclean Elements
The four elements, known commonly in many Wicca, Hermetics and Thelema-based practices around the world, are Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These form a powerful way to work with the universe and with the self. They seem on the face of it, to be a massive oversimplification, but that does not stop the idea of…
Elemental Work
The first step in any Hermetics-based magical path – which nearly all modern magic is – is to refine the core components of the initiate’s being. The individual parts of the initiate are separated out, refined and then re-integrated to form a perfected being. The perfected being is then a suitable receptacle for divine power.…
Elemental Work Table
I am writing this post, because I’m just trying to formulate a good table for the work my new coven will be doing going forward. I am trying to determine good work for each elemental grade to help them choose what they do for themselves going forward. My new coven is in a good place…
Meditation Techniques and Elemental Grades
Not only is it important to develop the faculties of the soul in their reflection of the elements, but it is important to develop the initiate’s capacity to meditate and practice yoga since their meditation is what will catapult their spiritual attainment. I write this article to provide yoga techniques associated with every elemental grade.…
Astral Plane Path Working
This is a Script for a path-working, seeing inner visions and potentially stepping into the astral plane. We do a similar thing with my local coven particularly, when the COVID-19 crisis is going on, so we can still meet up and do our ritual work together, but since we are still socially distancing we use…
Ritual of the Pentagram
Introduction This article is mainly about the various banishing rituals using the pentagram symbol which are handed to the initiates in the occult order known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This ritual forms the core part of a very complicated initiatory tradition. It is one of the basic rituals and is attributed to…