Category: Energy Work
The Sensations of Programming
This is an article about creating a construct which is sort of like a simple thought-form and giving some actions or properties (programming it). This article is part of a project of mine to revive some of the articles which helped me develop my experience and knowledge of energy work (Psi manipulation). Unfortunately I can’t…
Guide to Psi Manipulation II
This is an article which was originally on written by an author named Cullen. I could not get in contact with the original author so I have tried to credit them for their work and reword the article to avoid plagiarism. I really benefited from articles like this when I was 15 to develop…
Kherete Energy Work Manual
The Kherete was a group of energy workers many of whom had been drawn together by the energy work group known as House Kheperu but who weren’t actual members. They formed together and made a forum that I once posted on. One of the most informative guides on energy work was provided freely by them…
Guide to Psi Manipulation
This is an article which was originally on written by an author named Cullen. I could not get in contact with the original author so I have tried to credit them for their work and reword the article to avoid plagiarism. This article is about psi or bioplasma, also occasionally called qi (pronounced chee),…
Shields For the Inexperienced Psion
This article is a rewriting of an article by someone called Stony on with the title “Shields for the Newbish Psion”. This article is about making a basic bubble shield. You will need to know how to make a psi ball first. In the world of psychics in this day an age, it is…
PsiBalls for the Inexperienced Psion
This article is a rewriting of an article by someone called Stony on with the title “PsiBalls for the Newbish Psion”. This article is about creating a concentration of psychic energy in a single spot. For many people magic and ritual is simply the action of creating one of these on a greater scale.…
Daoist nature worship and striving
Okay so I wish I was a Daoist (once spelt Taoist), but I’m closer to a Buddhist. As a person I have a mindset which constantly reminds me that I have this precious opportunity being alive as an intelligent human being with access to books, occult resources and the internet. I might never get this…
Energy balls: The how to guide
I recently received an archive of a website called and this article is a clumsy rip off of another named “Psiballs: The epic tale of how-to” that used to be online by a person who calls themselves, “SheepKing”. It was websites like that really got me started with energy work. When I was…
The Importance of Syncing up
When I met with a magic student of mine whom I was teaching energy work. I noticed an important step in the energy work learning process that is emitted in Energy Work by Robert Bruce. The author fails to mention an important step in connecting with another person’s energy. Often you will have to sync…
Is Energy Work important in Ceremonial Magic?
Yes it most certainly is! Next question please. As with anything. There’s almost always two sides to the story. Many students of Ceremonial Magic always practice energy work and they have never questioned that. Crowley taught it, the Golden Dawn taught it, Reiki is just as spiritual as their Llewellyn Ceremonial Magic and that also…