Category: Energy Work
Corruption of Constructs
This was an article I read as a 15 year old which helped me develop my psychic energy practice. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to get in contact with the original author so I have re-written the whole article to avoid plagiarising. The article was originally on and it was called “Construct Corruption…
Help for better mental health
So in among the billions of messages I receive about Cr ypt0, S£0 and me supposedly going to hell, I just spotted the following messages. (I avoid writing those words correctly in case it encourages bots. Sorry about that). I am looking to summon a jinn, please give me whatever advice you can about this…
The Mistake of Modern Morality
It’s a beautiful thing to live in a modern, evolved and respectively-lefty society that I live in. The type of society that most of Europe and Canada live in. LGBTQIA+ identity is more openly accepted than ever before and those that do not accept our identity often find themselves silenced and censored. Their views unwelcome…
Elemental King work
So this is a visualisation exercise, which is really designed to help inspire relationships with each element. Make or Practice using your Dreamspace Firstly you need to form a good dreamspace, temple of the self or inner temple. This is a place in your mind that you can go to that is like your happy…
The Heptasphere Meditation
So as you may have noticed I’ve been doing a lot of exercises recently, mostly with a group of energy workers so you can see the themes that are popping up. For the next couple of weeks, we are working on an exercise from Jason Miller’s writing. I love his books and nearly anything Jason…
Nine Purifying Breaths
A recent exercise we decided to do is taken from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. While this is a common exercise I understand that each lama has his own way of doing things so if you come across this exercise from a different teacher then it might not be quite the same. I also do not…
Blue Fire and Skeletal Grounding
In a small online energy-work group, this is a ritual we are going to be working with for a couple of weeks. If you like it you can see more in the following book from which it is mostly taken. As someone who hasn’t read the book, however I cannot promise that it will be…
This section is about magic, which is done with the intention to harm or destroy another person. Curses can be called a variety of different things: hexes, jinxes, banes (although this is usually a poison), the evil-eye, bedevil, malediction (specifically spoken curses) and even a, whammy (yes as in “double whammy”). All these words have…
Cone of Power
This is an energy work technique that is used in Wiccan circles. It is basically “raising” energy holding it in the shape a cone. The flat base of the cone is the circle that is drawn on the ground at the beginning of the Wiccan ritual. The point is considered to be symbolic of the…
Programming as an Art
This was an article I read as a 15 year old which helped inform my psychic energy practice. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to get in contact with the original author so I have had to re-write the whole article to avoid plagiarising. The article was originally on and it was “The Art…