Category: Energy Work
Official Jikiden Reiki Qualified
I am going to put up some interesting Reiki articles soon since I have been studying Reiki constantly over the last few weeks, looking forward to that. Naturally, the Jikiden Reiki Institute would rather I didn’t put up their specific teachings because of how Western Reiki has so heavily bastardized their teachings and now they…
Doing a Reiki Course
So over the years, I have done many Energy work course and I prefer to call them all “energy work” courses. Some of them had “Reiki” in the name, but they had very little to do with Usui’s reiki other than a brief mention of him in the beginning. As time went on I grew…
Energy at a Distance
Do NOT dismiss this exercise. This is an exercise which is so often missed in most Occult books and is actually a crucial one. Simply it is making an energy ball and floating it away from you, then returning it to you. Why is this important? Well, when you attempt to rise on the planes…
Cultivating Clairvoyance
What do we mean by clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is as simple as the ability to see other planes, at least, the etheric layer of reality. In the etheric layer, we see all energy which allows us to perceive how the astral layers and planetary spheres might be affecting our physical reality. This can lead to seemingly…
Making an Energy Construct
A construct or thought form is one of the easiest ways to attempt to create something out of energy that will get you what you want. They do not always last long enough to fulfil your desires but they are usually the simplest form of magic. They can sometimes occur accidentally, but a consciously created…
What is Psyonics/Psionics?
Psionics is the practice of energy work as a means of exploring fringe reality. It grew up as a fringe internet culture in the 90s and went on to influence a lot of work particularly modern practical Chaos Magic. Often the practitioners will draw on spiritual practices to create diverse sensations of reality, this allows…
Energy Flow
It is a very healthy exercise to maintain the flow of energy around the energy body. If you have just done the subtle body exercise then you might already start to have a picture of your own subtle body and how energy might flow around it easily. Try your best to start drawing energy around…
Energy Grounding
This is crucial for working with energy. It works similar to grounding an electrical circuit. It is common, particularly with people who are new to working with energy, for the energy to get too heightened for the subtle body to handle. Grounding the energy allows for the most aggressively heightened energy to be removed and…
Energy Shield
One of the most important things, especially early in psychic development, is learning to shield. When we are new to this sort of practice we get all sorts of unwelcome psychic sensations. It is easy to get nervous that we are bumping into demons or ghosts when usually it’s just a bit of place memory…
Exploring the Subtle Body
We have a physical body and whenever exercising it is important to know your body’s limits and what parts of the body can be used to do what. Anyone trying to use the muscles in their fingers to lift 100kg is likely to tear some muscles and tendons rather than build muscle. The subtle body…