Category: Ceremonial Magic
The Dune World and the elemental path
This isn’t a serious article I’m just massively geeking out. I was just reading some books from sci-fi series called Dune by Frank Herbert. Following an apocalyptic struggle with AI who enslaved humanity and after the successful overthrow of that AI, human-kind has to rebuild. Naturally human-kind is scared of technology now and instead of establishing…
Ancient Greek call to quarters
This is a combination of common rituals from the Papyri Graecae Magicae. I am using it in my summoning of a familiar in the next couple of days. I combined this ritual by reading Stephen Skinner’s Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic commentary on spatial techniques. If you intend to work with the PGM please read this…
Spirit Attracting
This is a study of evocation of spirits. Summoning them to appear before the sorcerer/ess. This text hopes to explore modern translations of ancient grimmoires to look for consistency and uniqueness among the techniques therein, to develop a clear understanding of the method of spirit evocation. One of the main purposes of building this website was…
Which of the 4 powers of the sphinx is associated with which element?
The powers of the sphinx appear originally in Eliphas Levi’s work Key to the Mysteries. Since then they have appeared mainly in the works of Aleister Crowley. There are 4 actions which are associated with the mystery of the Sphinx. The initiate is required to meditate on the mystery of the sphinx and obtain the 4…
Working with Earth
My personal experience of working with the element of Earth is that my attempts to use earth to cause change directly is often ineffective. Earth is normally perceived as a passive element. It doesn’t act; it is acted upon. How does that work in the real world? We will have to experiment and see. This…
Relationship with the divine
So many of us, especially me, get stuck in a mindset where we are trying to do the right things in magic. Our focus is on formula. This can easily be blamed on Crowley who wrote extensively about formulae. His Magic In Theory and Practice (which encouraged the name for this site) is full of…
Qabalistical Cross
This is the first part of the banishing ritual known as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and it should also be the last part of the same. It involves spoken words and hand signals and can be accompanied with visualization. The visualization gives one the sensation of energy flowing through the energy body…
Is Energy Work important in Ceremonial Magic?
Yes it most certainly is! Next question please. As with anything. There’s almost always two sides to the story. Many students of Ceremonial Magic always practice energy work and they have never questioned that. Crowley taught it, the Golden Dawn taught it, Reiki is just as spiritual as their Llewellyn Ceremonial Magic and that also…