Author: Hadron Templeton
What is a Theurgist?
A Theurgist is a practitioner of Theurgy. The origin of this word is “Theos-ergy” (or “god-work” in Greek). That’s often where most books on magic leave the definition. Theury is a belief that follows Neoplatonic ideas and seeks to achieve mystical ascent by association with forms of deity. It is mostly written about by Neoplatonists…
What does the suffix -mancer mean?
Mancer is a common Greek suffix, which denotes someone who can divine or practice magic. Necromancer indicates someone who divines using the dead. Eliphas Levi often uses Nigromancer to be someone who does Black magic. Cartomancer is someone who divines using cards. Geomancy is a magic done using the earth and proximity to natural phenomena…
What’s a Thelemite?
A Thelemite is used in the modern day to refer to an adherent of the faith Thelema. The faith came about when Aleister Crowley claimed that Aiwaz his Holy Guardian Angel communicated the message from the dual/triune/four-part deity of Thelema. The deity of the religion is the goddess of infinite space and experience Nuit and…
What’s a Heathen?
A heathen originally just meant pagan however sometimes in the modern day it refers to an adherent of heathenry, which is the reconstruction of Norse and pre-historic German paganism. It is often based on pagan prose and poetry, particularly from the Norse tradition. Some people would say they follow Asatru which translates to the faith…
What is a Druid?
Possible origins of the word Druid can mean sorcerer or seer in Old Welsh or Irish respectively. Another possible etymology is a proto-Celtic for “Oak-knower”. The word is first used by the Romans as far back as 400BC to mean a priest caste seen among the celts of the British Isles. They were understood to…
What is a shaman / Neoshaman?
The term Shaman comes from tribal groups within Siberia and is believed to be a Tungus word. Occasionally, an individual would leave his tribe and go on a journey alone where they had to fend for themselves. They would grow ill and weak due to the lack of support and difficulty of fending for themselves…
What is a LightWorker or Theosophist?
Theosophy was essentially the birth of the modern New Age community. Most notably the Theosophical Society. Theosophy as a term is born from two Greek words “Theou-” meaning of god and “sophia” meaning wisdom, “Wisdom of god”. The group was born as an attempt to shift the world to a Universal Religion. It was created…
Who are Cunning Folk?
Far more respected than witches were Cunning folk. They could be men or women. Cunning is derived from an old word meaning “knowing”. This was a person sought out for their knowledge of folk remedies. They did not have the negative associations of witches, but occasionally cautionary tales were told that if you crossed them…
What is Goetia?
Goes (pronounced Go-ees) is Ancient Greek for “sorcerer”. A Goes practices a type of Ancient Greek sorcery, which frequently uses barbaric names of evocation, called Goetia. The name probably means something like howling. Possibly the calling of spirits, maybe the sound of connecting to the inner animal, or maybe the howlings of demons in Tartarus.…
What is a Sorcerer?
“Sorcerer” is derived from a Latin word, which means a person who does divination by the casting of lots (something which is illegal in Judaic and Christian society). It has mostly come to mean someone who can manipulate fate through supernatural means as well as divine. “Sors” meant fate and over time it was not…