Author: Hadron Templeton
Presentation on the Sabbaths
Not my most enthusiastic subject, but I ran through a presentation of the Sabbaths for my coven today. As a result, I threw together this presentation. It was made in a matter of minutes and it’s not perfect, but if it helps anyone else there here it is. Please don’t write to me telling me…
Book Review : The Emotion Code
Overall opinion This book really did not contribute much to the sum of occult knowledge. In fact there was little benefit in being written. It provided a number of ways to use the body to dowse information from the subconscious. The focus was healing trapped emotions in the energy body, but its method of dealing…
Learning Resources
Since I am teaching a group I have found that it is easier with worksheets and similar tools. Please find below some worksheets that can be used by learning practitioners. They are designed to be able to cut out and glued into an A5 “Book of Shadows” or similar journal. In a coven of beginners…
Help for better mental health
So in among the billions of messages I receive about Cr ypt0, S£0 and me supposedly going to hell, I just spotted the following messages. (I avoid writing those words correctly in case it encourages bots. Sorry about that). I am looking to summon a jinn, please give me whatever advice you can about this…
Nick Farrell is wrong: Magic is the Apex
Time to take on the great Nick Farrell! Much of this article is written as a response to Nick Farrell’s article Signs that you might not be a real magician. Like a lot of this blog, I comment on the mindsets of being a magician. Mr Farrell and I are social media friends and that’s…
Everyone is Correct, Nothing is True
There comes a point in groups where we want to allow everyone to feel they are just as valid to have an opinion, but sooner or later someone comes along who is completely wrong and suddenly that philosophy falls apart. In a recent group meeting this Tuesday, one of the members of my coven said…
The Unfaithful have no Faith
I note when performing rituals with some other pagans, they are always so quick to change all the rituals. When they are handed down traditional Hermetic, Rosicrucian, High Magic, Qabalistic and Grimoiric rituals. So quickly I hear people say “oh let’s get rid of this bit and add this in.” “I don’t like X and…
The Power of Nostalgia
I don’t know about any of my readers, but I have books I learned from originally which I no longer hold in much esteem. Authors like Silver Ravenwolf, Oberon vel Ravenhart and Ted Andrews. You might not even remember the author. Maybe it was just a purpley-pink coloured cover with what looks like a sphere…
Is Magic Subjective or Objective?
This is a great question. By which, I mean that I do not know the answer. I hope to explore it and give my view and the possible opinion of a view other people who had significant influences on the coming of our Modern Magic that we practice today. I am going to need to…
Don’t like Crowley? He’s still major source material
I am going to quote a little bit of Crowley throughout this blog. I know people hate that. Sorry, but not sorry. A lot of people tell me they want someone else as the source of magic. I get it, you don’t like him. He has bad vibes and did a lot of stuff wrong.…