Author: Hadron Templeton
What does Franz Bardon mean by Fluid Condenser?
Okay so Franz Bardon is a difficult read because a lot of what he is writing about as you work through his books is very simple occult subjects but he was writing at a time when qi-gong and simple English hadn’t really impacted the Occult much yet. Many of his terms seem to come from…
What is Energy?
Energy is the substance that you move around when you do Energy work. Well then, what is energy work? Well, it’s moving around energy. Okay… that’s not the most helpful definition, but it is probably the most honest one. Energy is a spiritual substance that can be moved around, moulded and used for a number…
Visible Construct
This is based on an article called Construct Flaring by Stony1205 originally at While this is not the most useful of the articles written by Stony, it forms part of an effort to recreate many of the articles that I learned the basics of my craft working with. I do not have the permission…
Corruption of Constructs
This was an article I read as a 15 year old which helped me develop my psychic energy practice. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to get in contact with the original author so I have re-written the whole article to avoid plagiarising. The article was originally on and it was called “Construct Corruption…
Read Terry Pratchett
So nothing prepared me more for dealing with the Occult world than reading Terry Pratchett. You will not necessarily get some training in Tarot cards, Qabalistical Sephiroth, or Chakras from reading Terry Pratchett’s novels, but the author was incredibly inciteful about the dynamics of Occult groups, Contemporary Pagan Culture, and Occulture. It really isn’t hard…
Was Aleister Crowley Antisemitic?
I recently ended up in a discussion on a board where someone said they did not want to listen to anything Aleister Crowley had to say about anything because he was a drug addict and an antisemite. Okay, I think I will deal with the drug situation in another post. He definitely did do drugs…
Invocation of Ariel
According to Agrippa’s Three books of Occult Philosophy Ariel is angel of the element of Earth. Ariel should not be confused with Uriel (who I will often spell as Auriel due to the Hebrew letters that make his name). Uriel is the Angel of the South quadrant although most modern practitioners place Uriel in the…
Presentation on the Sabbaths
Not my most enthusiastic subject, but I ran through a presentation of the Sabbaths for my coven today. As a result, I threw together this presentation. It was made in a matter of minutes and it’s not perfect, but if it helps anyone else there here it is. Please don’t write to me telling me…
Book Review : The Emotion Code
Overall opinion This book really did not contribute much to the sum of occult knowledge. In fact there was little benefit in being written. It provided a number of ways to use the body to dowse information from the subconscious. The focus was healing trapped emotions in the energy body, but its method of dealing…
Learning Resources
Since I am teaching a group I have found that it is easier with worksheets and similar tools. Please find below some worksheets that can be used by learning practitioners. They are designed to be able to cut out and glued into an A5 “Book of Shadows” or similar journal. In a coven of beginners…