Author: Hadron Templeton
The Hierophant – Tarot
This is the 6th trump and is associated with the number 5. Traditionally this card is called the pope and sometimes the High Priestess Card is called the Papess (or female pope). I think I’ve seen one pack that even calls this the High priest, but that feels like some Wiccan stuff. Gébain changed the…
Making an Energy Construct
A construct or thought form is one of the easiest ways to attempt to create something out of energy that will get you what you want. They do not always last long enough to fulfil your desires but they are usually the simplest form of magic. They can sometimes occur accidentally, but a consciously created…
What is Psyonics/Psionics?
Psionics is the practice of energy work as a means of exploring fringe reality. It grew up as a fringe internet culture in the 90s and went on to influence a lot of work particularly modern practical Chaos Magic. Often the practitioners will draw on spiritual practices to create diverse sensations of reality, this allows…
What are Tulpamancers?
In Theosophy, there’s a concept called a thoughtform which attempts to bridge the gap between constructs and servitors. It is a thought which has been given form. It is believed that theosophy has taken its teaching from the Tibetan Buddhist Tulpa. The Tulpa comes from the concept of the mind-made body in Buddhist thought. This…
Energy Flow
It is a very healthy exercise to maintain the flow of energy around the energy body. If you have just done the subtle body exercise then you might already start to have a picture of your own subtle body and how energy might flow around it easily. Try your best to start drawing energy around…
The 4 Elemental Kings
The 4 elemental kings are some spirits that I feel are quite useful to new practitioners of magic. They do require a bit of getting used to and there are other options, but these are a good first choice for many practitioners. They are considered kings of each element or sometimes Sovereigns. They are believed…
Chokhmah – The Second Sephirah of the Tree of Life and the divine name Yah
Sepher Yetzirah Chokhmah is often referred to as the illuminating intelligence in Sepher Yetzirah. We are beyond the limited reality in this point of existence or consciousness so this is blinding beyond the bright of any sun looked at from a mere metre away. This is infinite brightness. No matter yet. Rankine informs us that…
21st Atu – The Universe – Thoth Tarot
This card symbolises the 32nd path on the Tree of Life, the path associated with the Hebrew letter Tau. This is the path that connects Yesod to Malkuth. It is associated with Saturn. This article is an attempt to analyse the pictures and symbols that appear on The Universe card of the Thoth Tarot Deck.…
The Symbols in the Thoth Deck
The Thoth deck was designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Freida Harris. It was compiled in the last few years of Aleister Crowley’s life and he also published a book about it called the Book of Thoth. This deck is perhaps the most symbol-heavy deck of tarot cards you will ever see. If…