Book Review Corwin Hargrove Practical Jinn Magick

Perhaps you can cast you mind back to when we had come out of lock down from the Coronavirus, we were slightly worried about a second wave and then we had an incredible heatwave for a week in August. It finally broke with a huge thunder storm. Well that marks the beginning of me working with this book. I felt that I hadn’t worked with my Jinn in a long while and it was about time I tried something new and the thunderstorm just felt like the perfect time to begin a new form of magic.

Okay I’m going to start negatively and I seriously hope I’m going to get better as I go… This isn’t what I would call “full” or “complete” Jinn magic. Jinn magic these days is Qoran magic which lots of Qoran verses read aloud and uses MANY talismans with Qoran verses and random Arabic letters. I was shocked to find this book distinctly lacking in this Islamic component to Jinn Magic. Jinn actually predate Islam, but what survives today is mostly Qoran-related magic. This book claims to work with Jinn using Shams al-ma3arif. I can’t say for sure if I have read this or something based on it, but Shams isn’t unusual in Arabic grimoires and the other word just sounds like knowledge to me. If I were to say “3arif”, it means I know. The 3 is how I write an Arabic letter that looks like a 3 which is called 3ayin. It’s when you pronounce a vowel deep in your throat.

Manuals of pagan Jinn magic are to my knowledge completely lost to us. All records have been destroyed, if written records existed in the first place. Most books which claim to be that are actually phonies. Sorry to dash your fantasies. There’s no old pagan Jinn magic. This really seems to me like Hebrew magic made for Jinns with a few Jinn names in.

On the other hand, Islamic Jinn Magic does exist! There’s a few records of such, but they are few and far between. What makes it worse is that they are often written in Arabic. Most of the Arabic speaking world has no interest in subjects such as Magic, so there are little commentaries or translations.

Also people think of Arabic as a single language, but it really isn’t. My family’s dialect which is mostly Egyptian with a few Lebonese phrases thrown in is as different from Iraqi as Spanish is from French. The only reason people from different countries can communicate is they revert to 8th century Arabic. This would be like Spanish and French people speaking Latin to each other so they can understand each other. So don’t assume you can just quickly learn Arabic and translate all the goodies! Good luck to you, but you’re going to need more than a few months of Duolinguo. I have studied Arabic on and off for most of my life and I still feel I have only scratched the surface of that language.

In fact as someone who has grown up with Egyptian heritage, I will warn you that even sci-fi and fantasy hardly plays a part in Arabic storytelling. So magic doesn’t really feature so much in the consciousness of a typical Arabic speaker. Sometimes a magical jinn will appear in a love story … but it is still a love story and not a fantasy novel like we have the west. My cousin who attended Uni in Egypt says the Sci-fi movie club would only watch American sci-fi, fantasy and horror movies because there just aren’t an equivalent in Arabic film and TV. This is starting to change and with it will come an interest in the real magic, but it’s slow and they’re REALLY behind the western world on that one. So expect good quality Arabic grimoires history popping up, but maybe in 50-100 year’s time and then they will be translated otherwise books like this have a basis on thin materials.

Authentic Jinn Magic is a nightmare for anyone who isn’t well versed in the Qoran and Arabic. I’d hazard a guess that Corwin Hargrove didn’t want people giving up there so decided not to include stuff that is totally inaccessible to most western English speaking Magicians. But what remains does not resemble Arabic Jinn Magic as I have seen it so far in my life. They have however included an extensive bibliography and I recognise some titles which are Arabic magical texts of note.

I should warn there are some things which restrict my own honesty. Any Arabic Jinn Magic is one of the few secrets that is really kept in Occultism. If modern Arabic sources of Jinn magic are revealed people genuinely could disappear, never to be seen again. You can read about the Islamic view on magic here. However I can tell you, that I have come across two texts published in the western world which although do not match identically, they have very similar magic style to authentic Jinn Magic. They are Jinn Sorcery by Rain Al-Alim and The Forbidden Grimoire of Harut and Marut by Al-Toukhi the Egyptian Sorcerer (apparently the contents of this also appear in Red Magic by the same author which is in Corwin’s bibliography). While I cannot trace the origins of the information in these books, I can confirm that they’re consistent with the Authentic Modern Qoran-based Jinn Magic. This magic is still used today as a desperate measure to get something by supernatural means. Go ahead buy these books instead and spend half a decade trying to look things up in an Arabic dictionary (which is not in typical western alphabetical order by the way) and never actually get any magic done. Or… give Corwin’s book a try.

Looking at Corwin’s bibliography there’s some good content here, but Qoran verses, which are considered so important in this magic are absent and most of the Arabic sources in their biography as distinctly out of print and sometimes of dubious origin.

Okay so here I am trying it out … a part of me screaming do I really want to call these guys without doing all the protective stuff? The thunder and lightning is going and I am ready to start as midnight shoots by…

Ritual 1 was performed, but I did not particularly note anything of uniqueness during the ritual. It didn’t stand out to be as particularly powerful, not a lot of energy flying around the room, but maybe it was more focused on getting it done than making me aware of the presence of what I was summoning.

Ritual 1 still hasn’t been successful (5 days later)

Ritual 2 (very unlikely to be successful) was performed. Again nothing of note. I switched the lights off, called El… lit the candle… said the words. Nothing of note.

Ritual 1 not successful 7 days later and Ritual 2 which is unlikely to be successful is not successful 2 days later.

Ritual 3 (this seems to be already happening). Nothing note worthy in the execution. The match didn’t want to light I think the side of the match box is too smooth. The second match lit immediately.

Ritual 3 looked like it was going to be successful before I started, but my luck has changed and it stop being successful (bank computer error). 1 day after ritual. Ritual 2 is unlikely to be successful and 3 days after performing it was not. Ritual 1 is still not successful it’s been 8 days.

Ritual 4. Nothing of note.

Ritual 5. Nothing of note.

Ritual 6. Nothing of note.

Ritual 7. Nothing.

Okay I’m taking a break from this for a bit to give it time to manifest some of the things I have asked for. There have been more rituals than recorded.

Right so normally I am more successful with knot magic and just burning candles than this. In fact none of the rituals, I have done with this magic have been successful and in a few cases the rituals seem to have had the opposite effect.

I was in the process of buying a house and the Mortgage Provider had a pdf copy of my Credit Report and based on that had confirmed they would be able to provide a mortgage suddenly the day after a ritual for Financial Persuasion they said something about the address on my Equifax report had changed their mind… They weren’t saying no, but this has been on hold for a couple of months now and I lost one house already.

I was also beginning a relationship with another man where there seemed to be love and passion. I did a ritual for more love and passion with his knowledge and suddenly things dried up and got boring. Then a week or so ago we ended up back in lockdown and can’t see each other.

I was also doing regular runs with Run Zombies! 5K an app which gives you an audiobook as you run so you can pretend you’re running away from zombies while training for a 5k run. I was also keeping up with a Intermittent fasting diet and healthy eating. I did the Maintain a Habit ritual one day and the Discipline and determination the next day and two days later I found myself physically unable to complete the run and had to sit on the grass for a bit part way through and the habit was immediately broken. I picked it up about a month later by getting my mum involved and I’ve been able to maintain it mostly since then other than a few injuries which slowed us down. I felt like as soon as I did the ritual my progress was destroyed and I ended up having to start again.

Other rituals for Untamed riches, Communicating with Authority, Increasing Abundance also show no signs of success. I conclude that this magic is simple, but ineffective for me. It’s odd because Jinn magic has so often been scarily successful in my life, but this really hasn’t been. Perhaps I didn’t show it enough respect, but the truth is the spirits seem to have been insulted being summoning this way or had some reason to mess up the very thing I was calling them about.

If you want to do Jinn magic, I don’t think this is the way to go about it. Read the other books I already mentioned. Corwin’s other books are probably great maybe they will be better than this.

Good luck with your Jinn guys. Also I should mention that a huge part of modern conjuration magic involves subfumigation, where incense smoke is released up from below where the spirit is supposed to appear. I believe this originated in Jinn magic, where the spirits were probably seen in among the flames with smoke going above them. Seeing spirits in flames could easily become seeing spirits in smoke above flames, which could then just be seeing spirits in smoke.

It is worth noting that the very word Magic actually comes from Persia. Where it might have actually been priests of the Zoroastrian religion where flames and fire were symbols of deity.

It’s entirely possible all this stuff is connected. Certainly the attempts of summoning spirits arrived at the same time as the ability to use fire to make farming tools, which is probably because suddenly man needed to control things he didn’t understand in order to farm successfully. While one guy is making hoes in the fire perhaps another person can see the spirit helping them.

Essentially fire… smoke… spirit summoning… it might be a conspiracy, but I think all these things are connected.