Israel-Palestinian Conflict

This is something that really makes me hot under the collar. I see people dying left right and centre and the media has a field day. Repeatedly the news is not even bothered about appearing neutral. The news frequently sides with Israel when both sides of the conflict are committing horrendous acts.

I was distinctly aware over the last 5-10 years that, while we no longer hear of the conflict, many Palestinians were robbed of their homes and land. Repeatedly Israel cut off water and electricity to land owned by Palestinians and prevented it from being accessed by cutting off transport. When Palestinians were forced to sell or move on without selling, Israel obtained the land for free or a fraction of its worth. It was then sold to Israelis for cheap and the power, transport and water reattached when Palestinians were successfully evicted from the area. Palestinian businesses were subject to unfair taxes and forcefully closed and Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli government for nonsense crimes. And eventually, as has happened repeatedly in the past, something cracked. Hamas attacked.

In doing so Hamas committed horrific war crimes against the Israeli people. The people who were bombed lived in and voted for a country which is guilty of the aforementioned civil rights abuses however, they were not guilty of the above crimes. In fact, Israel has such control over its media that they might not even be aware that this is how Israel is operating. They might not know that they owe much of their lifestyle to this systematic theft from Innocent Palestinian citizens. Yet it was these innocent Israelis who paid the price for what their government was doing to Palestinians.

Palestine does not really have a proper government due to the state Israel has left it in however, 53% of the Palestinian people believe in Hamas, a group which separated from the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas did commit these war crimes.

Israel’s actions are to take more Palestinian land and claim that this is to punish the Palestinians for what Hamas has done. In the process, they are taking from more Innocent Palestinians to punish the political party that was only supported by 53% a few years prior to this attack and probably far less now that Hamas has taken action against innocent Israeli citizens.

I write about this because I need people to wake up and start questioning the news. When the news tells you how these kidnapped hostages had been victims of the Holocaust and now they are experiencing this, remember that the holocaust ended in 1945, 78 years ago so unless someone is around 83 years old they will not be aware of the Holocaust and question whether these people have really been victims of the Holocaust as most of them were born long after it.

When the news says Israel has a right to defend itself. Ask how killing more innocent civilians and taking their land constitutes defending itself.

When Israel is allowed to claim that a bomb that blew up a Palestinian hospital was probably one of Hamas’ own rockets, ask why Palestine has not been allowed to make similar claims about the crimes it has been accused of to the media.

When you hear Hamas called a terrorist for attacking innocent civilians question why Israel, who are also attacking innocent civilians, is called a “country”.

This media storm is being funded by Israel. Many of the media are owned by Israeli citizens and Jewish families. Israel is paying for YouTube adverts, they are using their connections to many other countries to put pressure on politicians to come out in support of them. They are controlling the media on the ground and Palestine is not even allowed a seat on the UN. How can the news reporting on this matter be fair?


At no point does anyone’s view in this matter affect their spirituality. The astral planes are just as accessible to those that agree with me as those that don’t. However the more intelligent of people will recognise that they are free not to pick a side and to recognise that no news outlet is truly independent.

I have not bothered to collect sources over the years, but please read this page from Amnesty International.