
Small Circulation Qi-gong, also known as Microcosmic Orbit or Xiao Zhou Tian, is a powerful practice that has been passed down through generations in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. It involves the cultivation and circulation of Qi (pronounced “chee”), energy, through the body’s energetic pathways. This ancient practice is believed to promote health, longevity, and spiritual growth by harmonizing the body’s energy flow. This will also increase the size of the aura and strengthen the protective barrier, which can lead to stronger shielding. In this article, we will explore what Small Circulation Qi-gong is and guide you on how to get started with this transformative practice.

Understanding Small Circulation Qi-gong

Small Circulation Qi-gong is a subset of Qi-gong, an umbrella term for various Chinese mind-body exercises designed to cultivate and balance Qi. In modern parlance in China Qi-gong is synonymous with magic. The practice is centred around the concept of the “Microcosmic Orbit,” which is an energetic circuit that runs through the body, involving the Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) and Du Mai (Governor Vessel) meridians. These pathways are thought to regulate the flow of Qi, enhancing physical and spiritual well-being.

women meditating in taichi outfit

Benefits of Small Circulation Qi-gong

  1. Balanced Energy: Small Circulation Qi-gong aims to balance the Yin and Yang energies within the body. This equilibrium can promote overall health, vitality, and emotional well-being.
  2. Enhanced Vitality: Practitioners often report increased energy levels and vitality as a result of regular practice. This improved vitality can help combat fatigue and enhance daily activities.
  3. Stress Reduction: By harmonizing the flow of Qi, Small Circulation Qi-gong can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a calm and centred mind.
  4. Improved Circulation: The practice is believed to enhance blood circulation, which can lead to better overall health and a decreased risk of cardiovascular problems.
  5. Spiritual Growth: Small Circulation Qi-gong is also considered a path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. It can deepen one’s connection to the self and the universe.

Getting Started with Small Circulation Qi-gong

  1. Work through a relaxation technique: I recommend getting very comfortable in loose-fitting clothes in a room where you are unlikely to be disturbed if possible. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths counting down very calmly. When other thoughts come and intrude, which they will, let them in, but don’t acknowledge them. Ignore them and let them flow back out of your head again just like they came in. Focus on relaxing, feeling calm and counting down the breaths. 10 should do it for now you don’t need a deep Buddhist trance for these exercises. This is the foundation of the practice, as breath is intimately connected to Qi.
  2. Visualization: Visualize a continuous loop of energy flowing up the spine, up the back of the head over the top of the head, under the nose, down the tongue which is ideally placed gently behind the top row of teeth, and down the front of the body to the perineum and from there back up the spine. This is along the Ren Mai and Du Mai meridians. The Ren mai is the conception vessel and runs from the top of the head running down the nose, to the tongue, down the throat and down the front of the body to the perineum behind the sex organs. The Du Mai is the governing vessel and runs from the perineum, up the spine to the crown of the head. Start at the lower Dantian (an energy centre located below the navel), move up the back along the Du Mai, and down the front along the Ren Mai. Imagine this circuit as a pathway for your Qi to flow.
  3. Sync with the breath: Focus on the perineum before taking in a long breath and then visualise the energy flowing from the perineum to the crown of the head along the governing vessel (Du mai) in sync with the breath. During the out breath see the energy flow down the conception vessel (ren mai) down the front of the body. Keep this going for a few minutes.
  4. Take in more energy: Continue to do what you’re doing but during the down-flow from the Crown of the head to the perineum draw in more energy from the heavens. During the up-flow from the perineum to the back of the head draw in more energy from the earth. Repeat making the vessels more and more full of energy.
  5. Store the energy: Continue the circulation and lead the energy to the xia dantian (the lower elixir field or lower dantian just below the navel). Picture the lower dantian like a vortex below the navel which sucks energy in and condenses and stores it.
  6. Calmly finish: Let the Xia dantian do its job and store the qi. Give it a sec and relax and after a minute cup your eyes, stroke your knees, tap your feet on the ground to bring yourself back into the room and finish.


Small Circulation Qi-gong is a profound practice that can lead to enhanced health, vitality, and spiritual growth. While it may take time to master, the benefits are well worth the effort. Remember that patience, consistency, and guidance from an experienced instructor are crucial to success in Small Circulation Qi-gong. As you embark on this journey, you’ll discover the beauty of harmonizing your inner energies and unlocking your true potential.

Since I am monetised by Amazon I like to finish each article by mentioning a few books. If people click the links in this blog and buy things then I get money. I was inspired to write this article while I was reading Channelling by Lita de Alberdi, but at this time I do not recommend this book. For qi-gong, I generally recommend the work of Yang Jwing-Ming particularly this book the Root of Chinese Qi-gong. There is also a tiny book. It is not the most accurate and in fact, I noticed a spelling error on the spine of my one, but it fits very neatly in your pocket, so you can easily work through it one page spread at a time and keep it in your handbag or pocket so you can open it at any time. It is called Secrets of Energy Work by Paul Brecher.


One response to “Small Circulation Qi-gong”

  1. […] become a regular exercise to maintain your energy system. When practising Qi-gong this becomes the small circulation, big circulation, muscle and bone washing […]