
Psi balls, also known as energy balls, are a fascinating aspect of psi or psychic energy manipulation. These metaphysical constructs are believed to be a manifestation of one’s mental energy and intention. Practising making them is an important part of the process of spiritual development for any occultist. I frequently found that people who do Reiki do them once in their first class, but then forget about them and never do them again. I have kept making energy balls since I was 16 years old. I send them off to try and get me better jobs and easier work. Although rarely do I give them the density and self-sustaining nature to get anywhere or get anything done, the process of creating them refines my ability to focus, and concentrate, builds my mental energy muscles, and keeps me connected to the immediate spiritual world, which theosophists often call the etheric plane or the ether. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating your own psi ball.

What is a psi ball/energy ball?

Energy ball in the palm of the hand

Before we delve into creating a psi ball, there is a question that might be buzzing through your head. What even is a psi ball? It is a spherical space which is full of energy. Don’t know what energy is? Click here.


This works best, if you can get a quiet room where you won’t be distracted. It’s best if you do this immediately after the first taste of energy exercise. You benefit from redoing the 10 slow breaths beforehand.


Making a psi ball involves concentrating your mental energy and intention to shape and form an energetic sphere. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create your own psi ball:

energy centre
  1. First, go back to that feeling of energy. Focus on what the energy feels like to you. Give yourself a minute to climatise to that feeling.
  2. Begin to imagine what the energy would feel like if it were going up and down your arms moving from wherever you felt it before. Let your concentration slowly move toward your centre and feel the energy follow your point of focus. Feel the energy. If you don’t feel it, you might be going too quickly. Relax. This is like learning the clutch in a car. It’s probably the hardest part to learn, but when you have learned it then you’re golden and it seems like the most basic thing, but nearly everything is based on it.
  3. Imagine what it feels like if the energy was sliding from your centre, down your arm, to your hands. Cup your hands as if you are holding a ball. After a while, you should begin to feel the energy in your hands. Keep going and packing the energy in. As you continue it should get denser and denser. As you fill it with more and more energy it might feel like it is getting bigger. Use your hands to gently squeeze it into a smaller more dense space and fill it with energy again so it grows and repeat.
  4. Release or Store: When you’re done working with your psi ball, you can choose to release the energy back into the universe or store it for later use, by imagining it returning to your centre. To release it, simply open your hands and let the energy disperse.
  5. Repeat this exercise frequently trying to make denser and denser energy balls. You’re building your mental muscles that can achieve denseness.
wizard holding energy ball


Creating a psi ball is a fascinating exercise that can help you develop your mental focus, intention, and energy manipulation skills. While some may view psi balls as a form of mental exercise or meditation, others believe they can have practical applications in their lives. Whether you’re exploring energy work or simply curious about the powers of the mind, creating a psi ball can be a captivating journey into the realm of metaphysical possibilities. Remember that practice and patience are key to improving your psi ball creation skills over time.

Keep going and making them denser and denser. See how long they can last too.

I benefit from anyone who buys books by clicking links on my site. So I need to finish most of these articles with references to books. Now I don’t think I have seen much about energy balls in many books except one: Hands-on Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus. This book has some really good sections. I don’t know what the purpose was in trying to make a whole new “Ovayki” current rather than use the many already powerful currents that are out there. I also cannot decide whether it really reflects the mindset of Chaos Magic or whether it just uses Chaos Magic techniques, however, the book is an excellent primer in modern magick. Also, Robert Bruce’s book Energy Work and his “New Energy Ways” provide a great amount of energy work learning albeit I do not remember energy balls featuring in his work.


2 responses to “How to make Energy balls”

  1. […] Pre-requisites: Making an Energy ball […]

  2. […] I often use is to make a device for seeing energy. I pour energy into my hands to start with an energy ball or construct. Then I begin to shape this energy into a tablet like a large iPad. This is infused […]