This is based on an article called Construct Flaring by Stony1205 originally at While this is not the most useful of the articles written by Stony, it forms part of an effort to recreate many of the articles that I learned the basics of my craft working with. I do not have the permission of Stony to copy or paste their article so I have written it here totally reworded until such a time as I can speak to Stony for permission.

What is flaring an energy ball?

Those who make psiballs almost always want to see them. Normally, no aspect of psi/energy is visible. Most of the time you will experience pushes, pulls and temperature variations. It is extremely rare, but sometimes a construct becomes briefly visible unintentionally. This split-second visibility is called flaring and this article is about trying to do it intentionally.

A flare is when a construct such as an energy ball becomes momentarily visible to the average person. Flares can be programmed to occur in a range of colours or textures.

We don’t know whether constructs reflect energy like a solid object or emit light like a flame. Attempts which have been made to make credible photos of energy constructs rarely are informative on this issue. Normally, they are only photographed in poorly-lit rooms and the assumption that many conclude is that they actually emit light which is why gloom seems to be the best situation to take a picture.

How to deliberately flare an energy ball?

There are many ways to make an energy ball flare and we are going to explore one here. Feel free to try different things. Play around and you might find another method that works better.

Success will depend on the denseness of your energy ball, so keep that mind when you proceed. Visualisation is going to be important too. You can do it successfully with tactical methods, but whatever method you use you must be experienced with your preferred method, or you won’t be able to make it flare. The original author of this piece preferred the visual method, so that’s what ends up being described below.

Firstly, begin making your average energy ball. Make it solid, dense and simple. Making it dense is very important otherwise you don’t successfully flare. Once you have it dense, imagine the outer layer beginning to swirl around, similarly to Cirrus clouds. Begin to move that outer layer faster and faster. Do this with the layer beneath and then the layer beneath that. About 10 layers down you should come to the core. The core should not spin instead it should glow with the desired colour. We can pick green to begin with. Imagine the core glowing brighter than the rest of the energy ball. You could experience some heat depending on how vivid your visualisation is.

Slowly, condense the outer layers into the core of the ball while they keep spinning. When the overall size reaches about half its original size, condense the rest of the ball in one quick motion. You might want a quick motion where all the layers cling tightly to the core and meld into one. Immediately visualize your construct bursting forth colour as it ignites while adding intensity. If it hasn’t flared visibly then imagine it expanding rapidly as it bursts.

The original author of this piece said that it worked well for him, but it took a while to get it to work. It certainly did not work the first 3 times. Every person is different and their minds will be a little different so they might use a different energy dictionary to communicate what is happening on the subtle planes. So be fast and loose until you get the results you are looking for. Flaring is hard to do and it can take a lot of energy to achieve.


Okay so basically this technique works with layers. Outer 10 layers of the energy ball spin around it at high speed while looking like cirrus clouds and then they get quickly condensed into a glowing core. Then the whole thing is condensed and erupts colour in one quick swoop.

Energy work is much more than just making constructs though they are fun and when programmed effectively can be very helpful on astral planes, but they require some good experience with the basics. Since I am monetising this blog I should encourage you to go buy some books where I can make a little profit from your purchases. However, the most important thing when it comes to energy work is to practice not to read about it. So that’s more important than buying a book. Books are useful about astral planes you haven’t visited yet and understanding states of mysticism, but practice is most important for things like energy work. In truth, the “undiscovered country” that you’re “visiting”, when you do energy work is your own mind. The main thing to learn is what dictionary your mind uses when communicating with you about what is happening in energy reality. What does the energy look like to you in your mind when a flare is happening? What does grounding look like for you? How can anyone else’s book tell you that???

However, Robert Bruce’s Energy Work is a really good book for giving you LOADS of exercises to do. I will criticise that he focuses too much on energy in the body and does not really touch constructs at all, but plenty of exercises. Also, it is a little bit like psychological autosuggestion, so you could easily work through his book and then wonder if energy even exists at all.

Finally, a very strange recommendation, but I keep going back to the Psychic Vampire Codex by M. Belanger. This book is written for energy vampires people who need to take energy to survive. This means a lot of it is based on techniques for feeding, however, who knows energy better than someone who has to do energy work on a regular basis to survive? Constructs only really forms a small section in their book and flaring is probably absent, I don’t remember seeing it there, but there are a lot of sections, which cover techniques absent in books written by less experienced people. This book also provides a way of doing magic that is almost entirely energy-work-based and is a complete system in and of itself. If I were to criticise this book, I would say that it is written to provide the “Kheprian” perspective which is their group’s particular energy work which they may have been doing for centuries (according to their past life work). This way of doing energy work is most suited to people who are or were in their group in this life or a previous one, but it is not un-usable to other people, in fact, I am not a Kheprian, but I find nearly all the techniques useful. Overall, I worked from this book from 2005 onwards and I kept going back to it and learning new things. A week ago a new version was just published, I can’t wait to read it and see how it has improved.