Corruption of Constructs

This was an article I read as a 15 year old which helped me develop my psychic energy practice. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to get in contact with the original author so I have re-written the whole article to avoid plagiarising. The article was originally on and it was called “Construct Corruption by Stony1205”.

What is a Construct?

Before I begin I think I should deal with some vocabulary issues here. As an occultist we often do this practice, but we use very different language to describe it. Constructs are constructed objects made from energy. In Occult practice, the most common term for this is Thoughtform; “a thought given form”. The practice is the same, but it is more common for Western Occultists to bind the thoughtform or construct to an object and a symbol.

Other words which have a similar use for example “Egregore”. This originally meant a watcher angel, but over time it has come to mean the general thought forms for a whole tradition, contributed to by many practitioners and existing for use by many practitioners. Some occultists in angel traditions still use the term to mean watcher angel, but around Chaos magic, “Egregore” nearly always refers to a large thoughtform.

A Tulpa is a similar concept echoing from Tibetan Buddhism of a created deity that the initiate would worship for a time until they deemed that their experience of the Tulpa was just as valid as any deity and they were able to conclude that all deities could be constructed just like their Tulpa and saw all deity as another form of illusion just like the rest of Samsara. So a Construct is a constructed being. It can be as simple as an energy ball and as complicated as a full entity with its own personality.

In Chaos magic, a servitor is a psychological complex living in the subconscious, ready to act with a specific instruction. They are often identified by a sigil or symbol. They normally have a particular function. This is essentially a complex construct. Technically a sigil in chaos magic is also a construct just normally considered to have no intelligence where as a servitor has some intelligence.

What is Programming?

Another piece of vocabulary we should consider is the concept of “programming“. On Psionic websites, this is the word which is used to describe the process of shaping and defining the construct/thought form. Also the more obvious part of programming is describing what it is going to do. If you want you can imagine your thought forms/constructs as little robots and your programming is the systematic order in which they are going to act.

Psychic Programming Errors and Viruses

This article is focused on “Programming Errors and Viruses”. This again is a strange concept except when we are modelling the process of shaping and instructing a thought form as “programming a construct”. You see when you program software you can make an error and sometimes something unwanted gets in the way of your code.

Many readers might have only made very simple thought forms (or constructs) up to this point. It’s not always necessary to make something very complicated and simple often works best, but occasionally, complicated is needed.

Let’s imagine a telepathic message filter for a second. Seems easy right? Is it? Okay, so it needs to sustain itself using your energy, maintain its programmed shape, purpose and instructions, and keep out all non-friendly thoughts, but allow you to send things and receive friendly stuff. That’s a short list but you get the idea of how complicated these things can quickly become complicated.

Now if you don’t plan these things out then your subconscious and the construct can get corrupted. Your subconscious can fix itself easily, but a construct cannot.

Psionic Construct Error

A Construct Error is when a construct or thoughtform is being programmed and the programming or instructions get confused due to distraction at the creation stage or by overuse of the construct. Sometimes the programming just degrades over time. It loses its shape like an ice sculpture. This is the nature of energy, unless it is being reformed or held, it often loses its shape and instructions. If it has been affected by an outside influence it is said to be infected with a virus.

Natural Corruption of Thoughtforms

This is the most common. It is mostly caused by people overusing their constructs. This overuse puts excessive stress and does not allow the construct to recover. Like an electrical appliance, it overheats and breaks down, but often in unpredictable ways. Often people make constructs without thinking about how much they’re going to use them and do not plan it fully. Imagine if you were going to build a house and didn’t draw a plan just grabbed some bricks. If you don’t plan your constructs in a similar way then you often break them very quickly.

It is easily forgotten that a construct works exactly how it is told to and only in that way. They don’t adapt to situations. They work like a robot or a computer application following instructions without any intelligence to do so. If you don’t program it for all situations then it’s going to crash like Windows Vista.

Sometimes people force way too many commands into a thought form. It struggles to be moulded to fit all these different scenarios. You’ll remember at the beginning of this article I said it’s often easier to make them simple. By doing something so complicated the intricate details are more likely to weaken and crack and reshape like a circuit board made out of cheese. Changes can be anything from a slight change in clairvoyant colour to a total change of programming.

In this part of the article the author, Stony1205 says that they used to like to make odd constructs as a hobby. They have a mishap with a recent successful construct. They were maintaining a number of thought forms/constructs at the same time and trying to keep them all charged and working. One project however consisted of 10 constructs at once to deliver the sought purpose. It was likely to be too many to maintain at once so they created a construct to maintain the other constructs. It functioned like a giant psi-battery. It took a week to get it working and all the connections to be stable but it only ran for about two days. Some of the 10 constructs began to move around and stop responding. A couple of days later they lost form completely. It ruined stuff they had been working on for weeks!!!

The lesson from this fiasco was that energy had certain stress loads which are influenced by size, density and the complexity of the programming. If you overload constructs with an unregulated amount of energy coming from a battery, their walls tend to break down to make more space for that incoming energy and they cease to be tight containers.

This means complicated programming is difficult. Most people don’t need to work with this unless they want to specialise in energy manipulation.

Viral Corruption of Thoughtforms

This is much more rare. There are thought forms out there which act a little bit like computer viruses. Most of them are just designed to follow people around and play pionic practical jokes and a few that could cause some serious problems.

They tend to float about and they’re rarely targeted at anything specific. They’re usually a copy of an original construct which consumes energy and releases further copies of itself. They are a particular issue when it comes to shields. They can act like a bubble of acid, which, when it hits your shield, pops and spills its acid on your shield. The acid melts your shield down and makes some of the shield’s energy into more acid burning through layer after layer. The programming is more complicated than that but you get the gist.

Disclaimer: Please do not deliberately make these. This is considered an attack and if someone picks up on you doing that then you will get into trouble and frankly, you deserve it. Don’t be a dick.

You can prevent these using these techniques:

  • Program your shields to magnetically repel bad stuff. Don’t wait for it to hit and bounce. If it repels it might never collide with your shield and never release its inner bad ju-ju.
  • Make an anti-virus construct. This is designed to go check for constructs which are replicating and if it finds one it should suspend and dissolve it. Remember these anti-virus need updates just like Norton also they need their own repelling shields too.
  • If you know an area is infected. Throw fake empty energy at it to lead the virus away, but without much energy for it to consume. This should encourage the viruses to attempt to replicate, but without sufficient energy to recreate themselves.


That’s all folks. Hopefully, you conclude that thought forms are not all simple. Some can get corrupted in 2 main ways. Take it easy and be simple with the programming. Don’t overuse or overload your constructs. Use shields that repel rather than bounce the bad stuff away.

This article is almost a carbon copy of one written by Stony1205 for It has been reworded to prevent plagiarism, but most of the content means the same thing so the value of having the article around and accessible has been preserved.

Since I have monetised this blog I should put a link to a book or something. I haven’t actually read many books on this subject having mostly learned it from online articles initially and at energy work conferences with like-minded individuals. Creating Magickal Entites was a VERY SHORT book I worked from in 2008-2010, but it seemed to be more ritual focused than energy-work-focused, which was strange for someone like me who came to this from psionic articles. My approach felt more natural and informal and I did not see the point in rituals to get stuff done. Annie Bessant and Leadbeater’s books “Thoughtforms” and “Tulpas” were informative, but full of an excess of theory much of which turned out to be inaccurate at points. If memory serves Liber Null has a little bit about making servitors as well, but that is a whole syllabus for Chaos Magic orders. Finally, there is the “Servitor and the Thought-form Creation Workbook” which I have not read however I am pleased with the pages of space to write up about your own creations. If you really want to buy a book on this subject please follow one of the links below so I can make some money out of your purchase, but to be honest, if you really want to learn this subject learn by doing rather than by buying. Make constructs constantly with few breaks. Make them for everything. Anytime you need to sit still and wait for something, form new constructs and maintain your existing ones. Send them everywhere! Send them to get you raises at work, to make work easier, to help a friend feel consoled during a breakup. A lot of the time when I tell people I am sending them virtual hugs, I’m secretly sending them astral ones as well so they know I mean it!