A construct or thought form is one of the easiest ways to attempt to create something out of energy that will get you what you want. They do not always last long enough to fulfil your desires but they are usually the simplest form of magic. They can sometimes occur accidentally, but a consciously created one is much more powerful.

For information about what a construct is see this article:

A construct can become an autonomous, energy-based entity created through focused intention and visualization. This article will guide you through the process of making a construct that can help you achieve personal goals, enhance creativity, or even provide companionship. (Check out some research about the Tulpamancer community here)

Creating a construct involves several steps, each essential for ensuring your construct is effective and well-defined:

  1. Define Your Purpose: Before creating a construct, you need to be clear about its purpose. What do you want your construct to help you with? It could be a goal like improving your focus, finding lost objects, boosting your creativity, or even providing emotional support.
  2. Visualization and Form: Visualize your construct’s appearance. This can be a simple, abstract shape like a sphere or a more complex humanoid or animal-like form. You should choose an image that resonates with your purpose. For example, I wanted to repair my house’s shield and I chose a gnome with a brick-laying trowel and a bag of mortar.
  3. Set Parameters: Define the parameters and limitations of your construct. For example, specify when and where it should operate and any conditions under which it should not.
  4. Set a Feed method: If you want this construct to exist beyond a few moments it will need a way to sustain itself when you’re not focused on it. This can be a means of collecting ambient energy, feeding off unwanted negative energy or weeds or your own body. (Think of a Witch with a familiar that feeds off her witch’s mark).
  5. Set an intended death day: Most constructs dissolve quickly, but some lose their intention, intended shape, but keep existing through some feeding method. This can really run amuck because they no longer function how they were intended and they can be dangerous. The best course of action is to set an intended day of death a few months after it is created, should it manage to exist up to that point.
  6. Name Your Construct: If you want you can assign a name to your construct, particularly suitable if you’re going to imagine it as an autonomous entity. This name will be the entity’s identifier and the way you call upon its assistance.
  7. Sigilise Your Construct: This is designing a symbol that works like the name of the spirit. It often is made from the name. You can combine the letters of the name either in Roman characters or another alphabet. You might even spell the name out by drawing lines on the Hermetic Rose and keeping the resulting diagram once the name is completed. Or you could just do a doodle that came to mind when you thought of the name. It is considered good practice to simplify your sigil.
  8. Energy and Intention: If you like you can create a sacred space for your construct creation process or just jump into pouring energy into the desired shape. Concentrate your intention and energy on forming the construct, channelling your desires into the creation process. See the shape of the construct, and feel your energy being poured into the shape until it is full. Then pour in more and more making it more and more dense. If you have a name for it you can imagine the energy vibrating with the sound of the name and then imagine the construct agreeing to respond to the name or just recognising the name as its own. If you made a sigil pour the energy into the sigil and picture it forming the shape over the sigil.
  9. If it helps you can imagine yourself breathing life into its mouth in the same way the Christian god is said to have done with Adam or a lifeguard rescuing a drowning person and bringing them back to life.
  10. Activation: To give life to your construct, perform a ritual or a specific action that signifies its activation. This could be as simple as lighting a candle or saying an incantation. Your construct is now ready to serve its purpose. I sometimes say:
    Breath One – Life’s begun.
    Breath Two – To awaken you.
    Breath Three – To serve me.
    Breath Four – My will is Law.
    Breath Five – You’re now alive.
  11. Interaction: Interact with your construct regularly. Give it instructions, updates, or requests. This process keeps it in existence.

Maintenance and Disposal

Constructs require maintenance and attention to remain effective. Regular interaction and reinforcing your intent will keep them engaged and effective. If your goals change or your construct has completed its task, it’s important to gracefully dispose of it. This can be done through a ritual or visualization that dissolves the construct back into the energy from which it was created.


Creating a construct is a fascinating and powerful practice that can help you manifest your desires, achieve personal goals, and tap into your creative potential. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can craft your own construct and explore the limitless possibilities it offers in the realm of metaphysics and the occult. I sometimes send them off to help me win the lottery. I win a lucky dip more frequently than probability should allow, but I’m yet to win more than £250.


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  1. […] Making an Energy Construct 27 October 2023 […]