The Tree of Life is an idea that is used to explain the process of creation of the universe in Qabalah. It is often suggested that it can be used in reverse for a mystic to follow the path of creation in reverse to find the creator or at least “higher planes of reality” as many New Agers might prefer to describe it.
The Tree of Life, as it is modernly drawn, contains 10 emanations called sephiroth (sephirah for singular). The mysticism that surrounds it posits an emanation method of creation. This begins with 3 veils which are often drawn as lines above the Tree in modern diagrams. These veils are the Ain (which means “there isn’t”), this becomes the Ain Soph (which means “there isn’t a limit”) and finally the Ain Soph Aur (“There isn’t a limit of light”). This concept of limitless light is believed to have condensed itself and formed the sephirah, called “Kether” or “Crown”. This Kether is believed to be the first thing to have a positive existence in our universe. Its nature however is still transcendent and unfathomable to us. It then emanated the light contained within to become the next sephirah, Chokhmah (Wisdom). Eventually, it has become 10 sephiroth or emanations and our manifest universe has become the world we live in today.
I do not intend to spend more time explaining what the Tree of Life is, or debating whether it is an accurate map of mystical ascent. There are many students out there who have simply accepted it as a part of modern Western Occulture, however, I do intend to compile a repository of the associated symbols and information concerning the Tree of Life.
Some people believe that the Tree of Life can be used to tap into the creative flow of divine power, the emanating light and use it to achieve supernatural phenomena and demonstrate the power of the deity. Some believe alternatively that it can be traversed in reverse to ascend to heaven and experience deity. Studying the symbolism associated with the Tree of Life and its higher Sephiroth seems to provide clues as to how the higher aspects of the tree could be traversed or accessed. In my opinion, a ritual which mentions various symbols which appear associated with the various paths will do little to advance the practitioner. It will just teach them the symbols and make them wonder about the sephirah a bit. Alternatively, shifting our consciousness to the part of ourselves which is already a part of the target sephirah will provide results. For example, to move from Malkuth to Yesod is to identify with the astral self. The symbolism of the sephiroth however provides us with the means to derive the aspect of the self, which resides within the respective sephiroth.
Great how do we start? The practitioner should learn to develop spirit vision and astral projection. This crucible gives us clues as to the techniques which might be used to traverse the tree. Can this method be used to climb the Tree of Life and enter the palace of the creator? I cannot yet confirm for I am only a little further along the path and have not yet finished it. However, I have seen enough to believe that there is something special about the journey that changes and empowers the practitioner. I have also noticed that the early planes provide many means to get lost in images and symbols rather than true ascension upon the Tree.

3 responses to “Tree of Life – Index”
[…] card symbolises the 32nd path on the Tree of Life, the path associated with Tau. This is the path that connects Yesod to Malkuth. This is associated […]
[…] Hierophant conveys to the people. In the writings of Dion Fortune, she equates the Sepher on the Tree of the Life, Kether, Tiphereth and Yesod to the holy trinity. So this card represents that power brought to the […]
[…] a common theme in Golden Dawn magic. Often the initiate is presented with various versions of the Tree of Life symbolising pre-fallen man, fallen man and rectified man on the Tree of […]