This is crucial for working with energy. It works similar to grounding an electrical circuit. It is common, particularly with people who are new to working with energy, for the energy to get too heightened for the subtle body to handle. Grounding the energy allows for the most aggressively heightened energy to be removed and in some cases for that energy to be replaced with more stable energy. This can prevent emotional overwhelm, and overheating. It can prevent fizziness and nerve burn and allow the practitioner to continue working with energy for a longer period of time without damage.
It is recommended that this skill is completely mastered before proceeding to use energy to ensure the new energy worker is able to handle the dynamic changes which are caused by early subtle body development and spiritual ritual. This should prevent injury to their subtle body and reduce the occurrence of unstable emotional states.
Tune to the Earth Grounding
Dumping all the energy in your system into the earth is not always helpful when grounding unless you’re ready to stop all energy work for the immediate time. So first I am going to look at an alternative method of grounding and then after that, I will look at a much more common method of grounding.
This alternative method works by exchanging energy with the earth. This exchange allows for the most unstable parts of energy to be passed into the earth and replaced with raw grounded energy. As the exchange takes place the energy within the practitioner slowly begins to match the earth. Technically the earth is also slowly brought to match the practitioner, but the earth’s energy does not change in any perceivable way, because it is so vast. Any heightened energy that passes into the earth has plenty of time to fully cool down before there’s any chance of someone else pulling it up again. If this happens it will feel entirely like raw energy again.

Let’s give this a go:
- Firstly, let’s start exchanging energy between the huiyin gate (in the perineum) and the earth. Channel energy from the huiyin down into the earth through both legs.
- When it reaches the floor imagine the energy coming out of the yongquan (this is the point in the middle of the foot just behind the ball of the foot). Imagine this growing roots into the earth until you can feel energy flowing into the earth.
- Now begin to draw energy up through the roots to the perineum in one leg and down from the perineum into the roots on the other side.
- Draw energy from the earth to the perineum up the coccyx and up the spine.
- Then draw it up the back of the head, over the top of the head, and down the front of the face, down the throat and then down the front of the body.
- Return to the huiyin at the perineum and then pass the energy to the earth.
- Find routes from the spine/front of the body to all the internal organs and channel their energy into the earth as well. Replace it with raw, grounded, fresh energy from the earth as well.
- Keep maintaining the connection from the huiyin to the imaginary roots. Picture that this keeps on cycling even as you cease your awareness of it.
Think about how this feels and record the difference you notice in your energy dictionary. Doing this exercise for an extended period of time and observing the changes to your energy body should give you a good idea of how grounded energy feels to you.
Shunt Everything Down Grounding
The most common way for people to do grounding is to shunt everything into the ground as quickly as possible. This is probably the quickest way to ground a person, but if you were working with some energy and wanted to continue this does not always leave you much to keep working with.
Because you are not setting up cycles that you wish to maintain after this process you need less experience of the subtle body. In fact, you literally go straight from head downwards.
- Feel the energy on the top of the head and pull it straight downwards through the middle of the body.
- Watch all the energy following your point of focus straight down.
- When you reach the bottom of your torso divide your focus going down each leg.
- When you reach your feet, feel the energy forming roots which burrow deep into the earth.
- Repeat this again and again until all unwanted energy has been led into the earth.