The Emperor – Tarot

The Emperor is the male counterpart to the Empress card, many of the cards have a partner. In earlier decks such as Visconti-Sforza and the Marseille the Emperor is side on where as the Empress is facing the viewer. Earlier versions of this card feature the emperor side-ways on with crossed legs, and according to Eliphas Levi this formed a right angeled triangle above a cross which is symbolic of the athanor of the philosophers. The space where the change would be achieved.

Interpretation of the symbolism

The Throne and Ares

We have come across the first card to be associated with a letter in Hebrew known as the single letters. There are 12 of these and they are associated with the “divisions of heaven” or zodiac. This is the first one so is associated with Ares. We also notice his throne is adorned with Ram heads symbolic of Ares. Ares is aggressive and young at heart.

The Empress’s throne is very relaxed and soft, but the emperor by comparison has a hard stone chair suitable for sitting up, paying attention and barking orders. It has a cubical shape representing the earth over which he has dominion. Waite hads in his Pictoral Key to the Tarot that he “seeks to remove the veil of the Veil of Isis; yet she remains virgo intacta.”


The emperor is crowned with the authority of his office. This Crown has 5 visible parts possible of 10. This could be symbolic of the 5 elements (spirit, fire, water, air and earth) or the 10 sephiroth. His clothes are red bearing the colour of fire the element also associated with Ares. His legs are covered with armour indicating the war-like aspect of this card.

Globe and Sceptre

The global is symbolic of his authority over all and in his other hand he holds a sceptre which is shaped an ankh or Crux Ansata. This symbolises eternal life.


The background of this card features mountains which give a sense of size to the Emperor’s empire, however, the entire card is barren and features no vegetation which is throughout the Empress‘s card.

Interpretation in Reading

As with most Tarot cards, I tend to tell a story from the card and see what aspects of the story my mind is drawn to.

In this case, the card seems like an alpha male who is drawn to positions of power. He has achieved stability, but only by advancing on those who would challenge him before they could do so. He has a sense of peace, but it is tense not progressing much to fruition, but willing to start most things. He is well-meaning and gets excited by new concepts, but he does not have the sustaining power to see anything to completion. He hopes to be a good father and take the Empress as his wife, but until he can learn to be receptive she will not be his and he will not produce children.

This is part of the Tarot section.


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  1. […] The Fool The Magician The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor […]