When looking at something, if the image is blurry your eyes rely on pattern recognition in the brain to generate the image we see. What we see can often be 75% generated in our mind and only 25% based on the information we are receiving from our eyes. This can be quite interesting when we lie on the grass and look at the clouds and our brain generates images as it sees patterns in the randomness of cloud formations.

When sensing something using our psychic ability the messages our brain receives are often VERY blurry. So the impressions we perceive are only fractionally from our actual psychic faculties, if at all. Most of the image is made up by matching what little information it has from our psychic senses to other things we have seen or sensed before.

We also do not necessarily have anything to relate it to because we have probably been ignoring all our psychic impressions since we were born. Perhaps we noticed our family was ignoring them, and food and comfort did not depend on us focusing on the psychic phenomena so we learned it was not immediately important. Maybe as children, we might have responded to psychic phenomena and then been told we had an “active imagination” so we learned to ignore it. This means that when it comes to match the patterns to something we would understand, our brain can only match them to things we have sensed using the 5 mundane senses. Also sometimes, something happens to energy in the ether for which there is no matching physical equivalent so our brains need to make something up to try and tells us what’s going on.

As we begin to work with energy, we frequently perceive things as if they were something in the physical world: a knife, fire, a cloud, a liquid, etc. When we make that connection it is specific to our own experience. So everyone who perceives the spiritual world ends up with their own experience of it, subject to their brain’s own pattern-matching process. I believe (and it is mostly on faith because it is hard to prove) that we all have subjective experiences of an objective reality and an objective ether. Chaos Magicians propose that since we are having subjective experience then perhaps all spiritual reality is entirely subjective in fact sometimes they suggest physical reality is subjective as well. I feel that this thinking can lead to us acting like spiritual development is entirely pointless and little other than a form of self-delusion. I have seen a few incidents which suggest that this is not true, but nothing to prove Chaos Magicians to be completely wrong. For me, Chaos Magic is very valid, but does not lead me towards the sort of goal I wish to obtain which is a gnostic truth rather than self-delusion. Also, most of the spiritual development available to Chaos Magicians can be achieved in other forms of magic.

After a while you begin to notice when someone is grounding you might see that as energy feeling like a very heavy column. Maybe if you start making energy feel like a heavy column, they get the impression you’re grounding. This provides us with an opportunity to record a connection between the impression of a heavy column of energy and the process of grounding occurring with energy in the ether. Over time you end up with long lists of how you perceive energy, how its behaviour might be affected by being in that mode and how it might affect others or affect spirits. You can also notice how certain ritual actions make energy feel and change the impressions you get from energy. This is like developing a dictionary.

You begin to build what I call the “energy dictionary” and I feel it is so important to write this down. Normally a dictionary contains a word and either its explanation or its translation in another language. Instead of words, you’re recording impressions and what you currently think they mean. This can and should be reviewed regularly. This list of entries provides a means to translate between your impressions and what’s going on in the ether.

Like a French-English dictionary translates between French and English, an Energy Dictionary translates between what is going on in the ether and how you perceive it. As you build it you’re learning more than anything to communicate with a deeper aspect of your own mind. This means that your dictionary is only really suitable to you. Other people have different experiences for their brain to relate the energy sense to. They also have different pattern matching processes. So what works for you will hardly work for them.

Start making a record. This will be important in the future and you should review what you wrote down regularly. Here is an example:

ImpressionCurrent Theory
Burgundy-Coloured EnergyHeightened human energy
FireFire elemental energy
Blue Light-Emitting EnergyHealing energy
Turquoise Blue Light Emitting EnergyHealing, but also good for treating the effects of burnout, which is comparatively spicy or cinnamony.
Cinnamony EnergyThis results from long periods of high stress. It is an energy substance that relates closely to the feelings associated with burnout.
Cloud-Like EnergyLess dense energy
Golden EnergyEnergy heightened by ritual or by chakra dhyana
Low-hum Sounding EnergyEnergy from banishing actions
Example of the first few entries of an Energy Dictionary


Most of our impressions about energy relate to something other than what said energy is. The impressions that we experience are often things from the physical world that match some of the information we get from the energy in the ether, but our psychic impressions are blurry and the pattern matching of our brains is imperfect. Sometimes there is no physical experience to match each energy impression. In order for us to work with energy efficiently we need to learn how our brain translates what it is sensing into an impression we can perceive, so we can understand our psychic senses better. We should use our impressions to give us the means to not only understand what’s going on with energy, but also to tell energy what to do.

Since this blog has been monetised I will include some links to some awesome books here, but frankly, as I said before this can only be achieved by our personal interaction with energy. It cannot be achieved by reading. Your energy dictionary is personal to you so reading someone else’s won’t help you. However, here are some awesome books anyway.


3 responses to “The Energy Dictionary”

  1. […] energy dictionary might be using those symbols to explain to you what your psychic senses are seeing […]

  2. […] up all around her like a sleeping bag worked better as a psychic shield. If you think back to the Energy Dictionary, you will remember perhaps that both the rubber tyre and the fluffy slipper might be two separate […]

  3. […] about how this feels and record the difference you notice in your energy dictionary. Doing this exercise for an extended period of time and observing the changes to your energy body […]