Using the feeling of energy on our skin and inside our bodies is very useful in developing our first sense of energy, but that’s only useful for dealing with energy which is currently touching our body. How do we get used to dealing with energy which is across the room? Well, we need to begin to use senses that work on things at a distance; sight and hearing. It’s also important to combine senses to help our minds thoroughly manifest that energy in our plane of existence.

Exercise 1

  1. Let’s begin with an exercise with an energy ball and feel it moving to your hand. Once there imagine what it looks like. You don’t need to go with the picture above. Use your own imagination.
  2. See it changing colours. Ask yourself has the feeling of the energy on your hands changed? Can you imagine a drop of ink being added and the colour spreading throughout the ball?
  3. Perhaps the energy looks like a liquid. Imagine it turning into a gas and imagine it returning to a liquid again. Don’t just make it look like what I said get creative!
  4. Imagine energy having a sound. Maybe it has the subtle “vwing” of a light sabre or the dominating cry of a Tie-fighter. What would it sound like if you could hear your energy having the sound of a moaning wind?
  5. What if you could smell it? What if your energy ball smelt like cinnamon? What if it had the smell of lemon juice? Finally, picture it wreaking of disinfectant.
  6. Now let’s combine two things together. Let’s imagine the energy ball is like the disk inside a speaker. Feel it on your skin vibrating with sound as you imagine hearing Om being chanted or if you prefer “wow”.
  7. Finally, let’s put it all together. This time we are going to shape the energy roughly like a square. Begin filling it with energy, picture that energy turning into fire. Feel the heat on your hands as it gets hotter and hotter. Hear the fire crackle and roar with your subtle hearing. Smell the soot and smoke. Keep going and see how hot you can make it.


It’s excellent to use touch-based subtle impressions when working with energy, but they are quite limited. By using impressions associated with the other senses you can visualise far more. In future when I write words and expressions such as: visualise, picture-it or imagine. Try to use many different senses including feeling, sight and hearing. More people find smell and taste harder to use, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to be useful at some point.


One response to “Using Non-tactile Senses”

  1. […] Pre-requisites: Making an Energy ball, Using Visualization to control energy from Using Non-tactile senses […]