Read Terry Pratchett

So nothing prepared me more for dealing with the Occult world than reading Terry Pratchett. You will not necessarily get some training in Tarot cards, Qabalistical Sephiroth, or Chakras from reading Terry Pratchett’s novels, but the author was incredibly inciteful about the dynamics of Occult groups, Contemporary Pagan Culture, and Occulture.

It really isn’t hard to spot when he parodies the occult world and its practices. Note the line in Witches Abroad, “the natural size of a coven is one.” and in Wyrd Sisters the concept of the land waking up. This is something I really recommend as an audiobook. There is something lovely about being read to and if you’re like me you have so many books to read that a few audiobooks for long car/bus/train/plane journeys are a perfect addition to your collection. Don’t knock audiobooks. Not everyone can read as well, so it can come across as elitist.

Some of my favorite audiobooks include Wyrd Sisters which nicely introduces the concept of Headology and the recently mentioned Witches Abroad. If you’re British then I really recommend the Penguin editions which have some excellent accents and famous voice actors. They are unabridged for example the Penguin edition of Witches Abroad addition is nearly 10 hours long, but the Corgi version is only 3 hours and 10 minutes. It is potentially more accessible to a foreign audience of non-native speakers of English and those not used to British accents.

An audible subscription is likely to make this much cheaper since you have a book like this each month included. But it won’t be cheaper unless you are likely to listen to one audiobook per month or you remember to cancel your subscription until you are ready for another book.


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