What’s a Yogi or a Tantrika?

A yogi (or yogini) is a practitioner of Yoga who seeks to attain a state of unity with the divine through this practice. Yogis use a wide variety of methods to reach the divine such as jnana yoga (learning and wisdom), karma yoga (unselfish action), bhakti yoga (devotion to deity) and raja yoga (meditation). The stretches and pranayama appear to have been taught to enhance meditation, including but not limited to preparing the body for extended periods of time sitting.

In India, many yogis follow a strict moral code including:

  • Non-violence
  • Truth
  • Non-stealing
  • Generousity
  • Compassion
  • Non-Hypocracy
  • Forgiving
  • Strength
  • Moderation in diet
  • Cleanliness
  • Perseverence through Austerity
  • Contentment and accepting

Tantrists or Tantrikas practice Tantras which are esoteric spiritual practices in Hinduism, Jainism or Buddhism. A lot of people think Tantra is about sex, which is not exactly correct. In fact, any esoteric practice from India can be a Tantra including ones that require abstinence or an ascetic lifestyle. There are however some Tantras, which use transgrassive actions like touching the dead, sexual intercourse in a graveyard, worshiping in a graveyard, carnal sexuality, spirit possession, and more. Kundalini yoga is considered a tantra and the Buddhist paths that constitute Vajrayana are all tantras.

See also other types of Magical Practitioner.


2 responses to “What’s a Yogi or a Tantrika?”

  1. […] term Left-Hand Path actually originates from Tantra where it refers to a person whose practice involves committing some taboos such as making […]