What is a Vampire or Otherkin?

Vampires have always stood the test of time in the psyche of the occultist. Due to decomposition, when looking at a dead body in its coffin many days after it was buried, sometimes it looked engorged and it seemed to be full of blood. This led to the idea that the corpse had been feasting on the blood of the living at night. Alternatively, this was not because it had feasted… however the idea stuck. The 1819 novel, The Vampyre by John Polidori, ascribed to Lord Byron, painted a picture of the vampire as not just a monster, but also the upper gentry. Before the creature was like a beast, but now he was re-imagined as a suave sophisticated aristocrat. The symbol of ultimate adulthood, control and the vestige of too much power in one person. So began our romantic association with the vampire furthered by authors such as Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, and Stephanie Miller.

Aleister Crowley gives a method in Magic Without Tears chapter 66 for psy-vampirism, this is the withdrawal of vital energy called psy, qi, prana, ki (of reiki), or just energy. The practitioner of this can be a psy-vampire, a psychic vampire, an energy vampire, or even just a vampyre. Other terms could be an emotional vampire who feeds off sympathy or other people’s emotions and living succubus / incubus or feed off sexual energy. These terms originated with Dion Fortune’s Psychic Self Defence mostly referring to people who were not aware of their feeding habits and only acted on them instinctually / subconsciously. She warned that if they were aware of their needs and feeding habits they could be far more dangerous. Also worth mentioning was the Astral Vampire which was the remainder of a dead sorcerer who had to feed to prolong its existence in that state. In the more modern day authors such as M. Belanger and Father Sebastian have written books to bring together people who identify with the Vampire archetype. Their Psychic practices can make them formidable workers of magic and they often find the identity a challenge to live up to as well as empowering. Some people in that community, identify as Sanguine Vampires, they drink small quantities of consensually obtained blood. They do not necessarily practice magic.

Thanks to the popularity of Tumblr people gathered together with others who identified similarly and the popularity of Therians / Therianthropes and Otherkin arose. Therians often identified as werewolves or were-somethings. A key part of the belief was that they would experience a shift where their more animal characteristics would come out for a short period of time. Otherkin identified with something other than human: sometimes something mythic such as fairy, demon, angel, jinn, elves, dragons, or even aliens. Sometimes they would identify with something more terrestrial: like a wolf, bird, horse, dog, or bear. Some would have origin stories such as remembered past lives in a fae world. While otherkin and therians are not necessarily by definition practitioners of magic, the belief functions like a permanent invocation and potentially shapes the body of light / energy body / subtle body. Some psychics seem to be able to pick up what kind of otherkin someone is by the “flavour” or quality of their energy.

See also other types of Magical Practitioner.