So this practice comes from the Feri and Reclaiming tradition and forms a major part of the book “Magic of the Iron Pentacle” by Meredith and Parma, which I am currently reading and reviewing. A huge part of this practice is working with an energy construct, which is connected to the egregore of the Iron Pentacle. While I do not know the full history of this energy construct from the Reclaiming tradition.

You begin with a visualisation similar to that for middle pillar. There’s no need to tone the different points, but bring the energy down from the heavens and let it take root deep in the ground. You can imagine it becomes roots and reach deep into the earth. Then imagine that the top of your head grows like branches up into the heavens reaching to the centre of the universe where the big bang occurred. Imagine the roots beneath your feet are able to soak up minerals, particularly iron and bring it into yourself up your legs. Imagine the branches above your head likewise absorb elements from the stars and suns it passes, in particular iron.

Now imagine that a pentagram forms through your body, starting with the top of your head (associated with sex). To distinguish it from Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Pentagrams visualise it made out of Iron. Then let the energy flow to the right foot (associated with pride), continue to the left hand while holding it outwards to the side (associated with the self), and then continue to the right hand also held out to side (associated with power). Lead the energy down the left foot associated with passion and finally return to the head (associated with sex). Then encircle the pentagram shape you have just mentally drawn with energy.

The key part of the ritual is to pay attention to any difficulties you have feeling, drawing or maintaining any of the points. What could that difficulty mean? Are some of them unbalanced, overpowered or have an odd quality about them? Journal your results and continue.

The book the Iron Pentacle by Meredith and Parma goes into substantially more depth and more exercises. Buy it for more info.