Why I don’t care about Ancient Aliens

I don’t mean to put it completely down. I don’t have fundamental proof it isn’t real, but for me, it’s just not relevant to my practice and this article will attempt to explain why.

For many people, the content of the series Ancient Aliens is a really important part of their spirituality and life. The series makes assertions that many different historical forms of art and myth are evidence that humans had contact with extraterrestrial races in our ancient past.

The content of the series is very different to prove true or false. It’s unknowable, but there are many jumps to incredible conclusions. For example, the series claims things like the Mormon Angel Moroni said he was from the Pleiades which I am yet to see in any supposed records of his visit.

I have doubts about the experiences Joseph Smith claimed to have had. For example, he said he had a book of gold which when asked to show it, refused to do so. When he died the book was nowhere to be seen. So is he to be taken seriously? Probably not. Then there are claims made by the series Ancient Aliens that Moroni said he was from the Pleiades. I just don’t know where that is in the text, but the Angel does not appear to have said anything of the sort. Maybe there’s a line which is being taken out of context. But then the series speaks as if the Angel Moroni was actually an alien from the Pleiades. This is a big jump. This is a doubtful interpretation of something not said directly, in a book that records some events concerning which there is doubt and not the evidence that one would expect to find should the book be accurate. The series speaks about this as if, this jump is a factual conclusion.

That’s not helpful and shows a real disregard for the truth. I doubt that if there are angels and spiritual guides who hold secret truths about the universe, why would they trust those truths to people who already disregard whether something is true or not.

Finally, by working with magic I can work with things, which are conjurable. Spirits that are intertwined with our reality. Even if you are doubtful you can still try it and see what results you get. This is testable. There is a potential practice here. Believing in something that happened thousands of years ago does not really give you something you can do which you couldn’t do otherwise. There are OTO bodies, which attempted to contact spirits and they got results, which would suggest that those spirits are aliens. That too is a practical, doable spiritual practice, but speculating about whether Jerusalem is secretly an ancient spaceport is not something we can test or experiment with.

Ancient Aliens does not inform my practice and mostly seems to be full of people who don’t care whether something is true or not, they just care whether it makes an exciting story. That doesn’t help us make contact with spiritual beings that give us information or help us evolve what we are spiritually capable of.

I don’t believe in or find any useful information in Ancient Aliens.