The focus of this article is really to determine and look at the best times for performing magic according to the lunar calendar.

Firstly whoever said when a coven meets at a particular date for the moon is called an esbat was an idiot. Esbats can be at any time and don’t need to relate to the moon however many covens like to use the 4 stations of the moon to plan their esbats.

Siani Oates in her online courses on astrology comments that the 4 stations of the moon are actually not the best times to perform lunar magic. When the moon is full it is totally opposite to the sun and therefore it seems to be working against one’s powerhouse of astral magic. When the moon is new the two eclipse each other and at perfect halves, the moon and sun have nearly no relation at all. It’s at times when the moon is 30 degrees or 60 degrees when they have the best relationships.

Often it is assumed that when the moon is waxing (when the moon is growing from an invisible new moon to a completely visible and bright full moon), this is a time for spells that involve some form of growth and when the moon is waning (the time from full moon to new moon) this is a time for spells for something you want to fade out. I like to compare the Goetia that traditionally suggested in the 28-day lunar cycle a person should work on the days numbered 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. These are all even days while the moon is waxing.

Where the moon appears in the zodiac belt could also affect what you choose. Here are some examples:

  • Ares is great for new beginnings especially when you do it while the moon is waxing.
  • If you wanted to work at a time to affect someone’s home/family you could work while the moon was in Taurus.
  • Communication is something suitable when Gemini holds the moon.
  • Cancer holds the key to accessing emotions and connections.
  • The lion of Leo is where we can work with our courage.
  • When the moon is in Virgo, it is a suitable time for working on employment issues.
  • When looking to work on legal issues, the best time is when the moon is in Libra.
  • For sex magic and secrets you could choose to work with a moon in Scorpio.
  • Sagittarius is a good sign for working with the balance of luck.
  • Moon in Capricorn is a time to deal with issues of business projects and debt.
  • When the moon is in the sign Aquarius, this is a great place to work on issues concerning socialising and intellectual pursuits.
  • Finally, when wanting to work on dreams, reflections, emotions and spirituality the Moon in the sign of Pisces might help you.

Finally, for questions of the Mansions of the Moon, see the Picatrix / Gayat al Hakeem.