Random Poetry – Fucking Stupid

Why can’t you see? You’re so fucking stupid.

You turn from truth, reason left looted.

Why can’t you see? You’re so fucking stupid.

Slogans and earworms, facts uprooted.

Evidence, not arrogance.

Thought, not fire.

Wisdom, not freedom,

To be a fucking liar.

Fear is the mind death,

It shuts your brain down.

Everything you’re scared of

And your head goes round

Covid-19, and that 5G

666 and conspiracy

You say it all together

Thoughts leave forever

But wait, Don’t hate. I do it too

I don’t want to be, but I am like you

White supremacy, violence and chumocracy

People with guns, a lack of democracy.

When these things enter my head.

Logic and reason sink like lead.

We are all ready to fight, but we’re so scared.

Time to wake up, see what we have shared.

We all work from half truths, no-one seeing clear.

We must walk the middle paths, and face what we fear.


I wrote this during the second Covid-19 lockdown in England, UK. I’m horrified by all the crazy right-wing people in the world, but then I begin to notice us lefties aren’t much better. Joe Biden had clearly won the election against Donald Trump in the US and yet Donald Trump has made claims that the electoral process was illegal and unfair while unable to provide any evidence only suspicions. I had divorced myself from many friends following the BLM protests and the riots that followed them.

In discussions about the protests, I had shown people statistics that show that a higher portion black people get stopped by the police before they even do something wrong. Evidence that of the black people and white people arrested with the same evidence against them black people are more likely to get convicted and will often get longer sentences for the same crime than white people.

People didn’t want to hear it. They only wanted to consider evidence for what they already believed.

I began to notice that me and my leftie friends also wanted to hear only the evidence that supported our views. We did not want to consider that Donald Trump as a president was the first to not engage in war with another country in years. That the MAGA-Million march was far less violent than the protests following the death of George Floyd. While these facts do not negate that as a politician, Donald Trump acts like a moody two-year old and his behaviour is befitting a socially inept child playing video games. Giving excuses about why he lost and being a sore loser. While speaking he struggles to not say anything racist or misogynistic which is most like a result of him being so racist and misogynistic that he can’t hide it.

We as lefties need to be less polarized. We must consider all the facts. When we speak we should show that we are aware of both sides of an argument before concluding as we do. We need to rise above the stupidity that exists throughout most of the right-wing nut jobs. We have the power to do that. It doesn’t seem fair that they can be so polarized and call death threats on us lefties, but we live in a society that will punish them if they ever raise a finger to us and will punish them for the death threats they send us. We need to not let such things scare us. We are going to die, but as spiritual beings we know that whether we are alive or dead has little bearing in our long term future. We have to be sexy, confident, intelligent, but remember that fundamentally they are fools and will only listen to evidence for what they believe in. In the end however it is not our mission to convert them. The book of the law says “convert not”, it says “conquer”! And we do that by being smarter, stronger and more charming than they are. We do that by winning over the hearts of the undecided.