So I have been working from Corwin Hargrove’s Practical Jinn Magic and noting down a review which gets more complete as I do each spell. I wasn’t a fan at first because when I work with jinn there’s usually a lot of talismans and verses from the Qoran which Hargrove doesn’t bother with, but in truth Jinn magic predates Islam and this stuff might essentially be a golden toilet seat, it looks impressive, but does nothing more than a normal toilet seat and is essential unnecessary gross superfluousness.

I also felt a little weird about calling the archangel Azazil (Azazel) as for many Muslims this is essentially Satan (Iblis) before the fall. I wonder if Corwin is a Satanist and just added this out of respect to his demon daddy or whether it actually appears in the text he claims to be working from.

I was confused when I was making notes from the initial set up and he said call the 5 archangels and then gave 4 names slowly over a few paragraphs dropping Israfil (Raphael). I was concerned about the lack of archangel so I summoned Raphael and Auriel in addition … just in case.

I asked for an end to the spreading of Coronavirus, which is a big ask so I don’t know if I will see that, but it seemed to be the thing that was having the biggest impacting no me, because it has been preventing me from seeing the people I love.

During the ritual the floor creaked a few times as if someone was standing just outside the room I was in. Also after completing the ritual I kept getting the smell of gone off milk. Just in case I did a license to depart of everything I had called except the archangels and god names.

I will check for the change in the spreading of the virus in a week or so.

So I came back to this 10 days later and the Coronavirus spread has actually got worse on a global scale, on a national scale, on a municipal scale and in my personal life where I am hearing from a few friends who have got the virus. Maybe we can make an excuse for it and say “this was too much of an ask” or we can conclude on this occasion this particular magic did not work.