Okay so this is one of the most useful oils in all of conjure. It can be used to dress a candle when doing a spell to add potential success. It is very hard to come up with an oil for this because it’s sort of a catch all / “do everything” oil. Often recipes are closely guarded secrets. Of the recipes which are shared there is little consistency so I recommend playing with the recipe until you have an oil which seems to work each time. Every time record the recipe and touch it up a little bit.

I used High John the Conqueror plant (Impomoea Purga / Jalap) in mine which made all the difference in the world. This plant is supposed to give it power to conquer any obstacle. Take the root of this plant which should have a lump / ball in it when this dries out and looks like testicles it is ready to be used. (Some people in England will use St John’s Wort root instead).

Place this root in almond oil (Kether supremacy) or/and jojoba oil (the overcoming oil). You should dilute with sunflower oil to save money on the other expensive oils (sun flower also has solar virtues so is related to success as well). Use a lot of sunflower oil this isn’t cheap to make so make a lot. You can sell some to friends to make back some of the money you spent making it.

Put things into the oil in 3 except the root. You can easily save money splitting things up into 3 rather than buy 3 times as much.

  • High John the Conqueror root dried
  • 3 drops of Bergamot Orange oil or Bergamot orange plant (for personal power and success especially when success is against rules),
  • 3 Bay leaves or 3 drops of Bay oil (more solar association),
  • 3 pieces of Cinnamon stick to heat up romance or a new business (you can use one stick in 3 pieces),
  • 3 Cloves (to protect success particularly against slander),
  • 3 spoons of Allspice (for financial success),
  • 3 pieces of dried Orange peal (romantic success and bending people to your will),
  • 3 spoons of Woodruff ground to a powder (for mastery of sport or physical strength),
  • 3 drops/spoons of Frankincense (to intensify the effect) resin ground to powder or oil,
  • 3 spoons of crushed Sandal Wood (for wish fulfilment), and
  • 3 pieces of gold or gold dust (some will swap these for 5 brass coins)

For additional potency you can add the following, but what is more commonly done is these are put in a mojo bag and dressed with the oil and :

  • Deer’s Tongue leaves (for negotiation, leadership and successful speech)
  • Five Finger Grass (for success and bending people to your will),
  • pyrite (for prosperity),
  • Dragon’s Blood Resin (for fortune),
  • Sage (for sagely decision making),

Put a lid or clingfilm on top of the oil, pray for success over it once a day for 3 days reading the following psalms:

  • Psalm 65:11 “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.”,
  • Psalm 89 (you can summon the intelligence Assas and use the divine name Shaddai which Rankine associates with this psalm in Le Livre D’Or),
  • Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.”, and
  • Psalm 112.