This is an article about creating a construct which is sort of like a simple thought-form and giving some actions or properties (programming it). This article is part of a project of mine to revive some of the articles which helped me develop my experience and knowledge of energy work (Psi manipulation). Unfortunately I can’t get hold of the original authors so I have had to reword the articles to avoid plagiarism. Just to make sure I have tried to attribute the articles to the original authors. This article was written by an author who identified themself as MindMover.

Thought-forms or Psi constructs can be programmed to do anything. They have various effects and its really helpful to be able to infuse them with a sensation or idea. Today we are going to focus on recreating physical sensations in psi. This can be fun, but most of all it develops your ability to do useful things with psiballs.

This article is focused on recreating a physical sensation. You feel a physical sensation on your skin, like for example feeling hot, cold or itchy… the possibilities are endless. This article is focused on trying to put that physical sensation into psi and then reading it back afterwards.

This article will focus on the techniques the author uses. The author finds these things work for them, but don’t necessarily work for other people so you need to figure out what works for you and do that.

Before doing this you need to be able to make psiballs easily, otherwise you will end up confused, frustrated and discouraged. Take this process of learning slow and you will find it encouraging and rewarding and this will spur you on. Trying to run before you can walk could mean that you fail and then you might not want to keep going for a while so your progress will actually end up being slower.

For this exercise we are going to look at tactile visualisations. This is what you imagine a sensation that might feel in your skin, like someone touching you, the feeling on putting you hand near something hot. Alternatively you could use visual visualisation where you imagine what it looks like. You need to use what works for you.

Sometimes visualisations working using someone’s internal dictionary. One person might imagine red energy to make something hot, but the next person might not associate red with heat. Maybe it makes them think of spilled blood or something. So that person might use yellow for warmth of the sun’s rays or something else. Use what works in your head. Your brain will have it’s own dictionary of symbolism to physical things. So you might connect a different idea. Don’t be afraid to visualise something that is illogical if it still conveys the idea you are trying to achieve.

Whatever you do make sure you set clear intentions. When you are creating the psiball say mentally “I am doing [X] so that [Y].” For example “I am pouring red energy into my psiball so that Michael will feel heat”.

Relax and play with it. Enjoy your time and try different things experimenting and seeing what works.

When you sit down to programme a sensation. Remember what the sensation feels like and visualise it. Try to visualise the sensation so vividly you can feel it again. Then put the energy into the psiball and imagine that feeling flowing into the psi construct.

Let say you were going with hot to begin with. Hold your hand near something hot like your kettle. Don’t burn yourself. Then take it away from the kettle and try to duplicate that feeling without the kettle inducing it. Then put the feeling into the construct. Try putting your hand in the feezer and feeling the cold. Remember that feeling and recreate that feeling in your mind on your hand. Then try to put that feeling into a construct. Visualise the feeling of tickling, maybe imagine there is a feather touching you and imagine that feeling flowing from where you feel it into the psiball.

This will put the sensation into the construct. Maybe imagine the psi construct being changed by that sensation flowing into it.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t work the first time. Try, try, again. It isn’t easy. Have fun and do what works for you.