This is an article which was originally on written by an author named Cullen. I could not get in contact with the original author so I have tried to credit them for their work and reword the article to avoid plagiarism. I really benefited from articles like this when I was 15 to develop my energy work ability so I would like them to continue to be available for other people.

This is the follow on from the previous article. Before trying the things in this article make sure you can make a strong psi ball within 15 minutes. You will need some practical experience to get through this. Also if this ever makes your lightheaded or dizzy then stop for a bit. When you come back to do so more slowly.

The original author spit this article up into different sections:

  • Control and Sensitivity
  • Psi balls: making and programming
  • Shields: methods and types

To get advance training down you need to work out some kind of schedule. It’s entirely up to you what you do when, but you should have included the following:

  1. Drawing Energy: Generating as much psi as possible, then attempt to push yourself beyond what you could do before. Warning this can be dangerous. When you do this there’s a chance of headache etc so increase little by little. However this is an important practice because it reveals your limits and allows you to see your growth. The human body is elastic it stretches to accommodate the current needs just his stretching happens slowly. Give your body time to adjust.
  2. Psi Balls: No matter how good you get psi balls are so important and they should be used to measure and stretch what you can do.
  3. A particular skill you are currently focusing on. If you don’t work hard on your current skill it will degrade.
  4. Cool down – take some time after doing energy work to relax and stop manipulating psi.

That should provide a firm foundation for a good psi practice.

Control and Sensitivity

Plain energy work is one of the most disregarded of the psychic abilities. People think it’s useless. They couldn’t be more wrong. Basic psi manipulation has been very useful to me more than any other skills taught on these websites. By increasing your sensitivity to energy you can increase your more physical senses as well. You sense more than just sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. You will begin to notice sensations you haven’t seen before.

There are different levels of sensitivity, but here we are just going to define it as the ability to feel or detect your / other people’s psi energy. A great way to practice this is to have two people and three objects. They can be tennis balls, marbles but should be something solid and mundane. You can have one person attempt to charge or focus energy into one of the object and the other person attempt to feel in which one it resides.

When one of the objects has been “charged” (had energy put into it). Then they are all placed in front of the other person who can place their hand over each one to try and feel for the psi.

When you get confident with this exercise you can try and do it from further away. Try and do something to make it harder each time.

Note: remember you will need to clean up the energy that was in the object each time or you will get readings from the residual energy.

Some people find it beneficial to make a large energy field around their body and create a large sphere of loose energy reaching out “with their feelings”. The author suggests you can fill the space with loose energy like webbing. You can use this to gather information about our surroundings.

As you get practiced your energy will give you more and more precise experiences of energy. The author likes to keep the field informing him of danger through programming. But we haven’t covered programming yet. The author would like you to believe that this field has saved his life a few times especially while driving.

That’s basically it for sensitivity let’s move on to Psi balls.

Psi Balls: Making and Programming

As said earlier before doing this article you need to be able to create a psi ball. This really needs to be a psi ball with density containing as much energy as you can control at once. To someone quite practiced it begins to take almost no concentration to create the ball where as someone who hasn’t done it in a while it takes a lot of concentration. It’s surprising how quickly it goes away. I often go off to conferences and do energy work with people and suddenly wonder where all my ability has gone.

You have probably come across programming. Some people think it sounds hard with a name like that. Well it is and it isn’t. When you make a psi ball you are programming in a way. You are telling the energy to remain in a ball shape.

Before you start you need to know what you are telling the energy to do. You need to focus on the shape and structure and, think about the use it will have. A good practice is to create one bound to a small object like a bottle lid. It’s good to separate out each part of the ritual of making a construct before actually making it.

  1. Mentally know what you are trying to do. Like think “I will create a psiball, attach it to the marble, it will keep its energy as long as possible.
  2. Gather as much energy as possible.
  3. Create the first layer. This is where you form the psiball. Picture the ball in your mind and place it between your hands, feel the energy forming into a ball and keep adding psi to it until you think it is ready.
  4. Attach it to the object. Pick up the object in one hand while you hold the energy together. Put the energy ball around the object. It’s good to pick 2 or 3 point and just visualise the energy attaching to your solid object. Keep doing this until the energy sticks there.
  5. Finishing up: pull together a large amount of psi. For a shell around a construct and think about the structure and imagine it holding form and containing its own energy.

It’s as simple as that. You will need to focus on each part individually. You will soon find certain visualisations which help you to create them. Keep notes of visualisations which work for you. These will hopefully speed up the process of working with psi.

In order to make complicated construct, you have to practice all the basic techniques. When you are able to use your shortcuts to do things such as creating a Psiball or making a shell, you can begin experimenting with different types of constructs and embedding them in objects. One of the authors on put constructs for each card in a deck of cards.

Some things to try:

  • A ring that affects chance and makes you luckier.
  • A item that glows with psi (not a physical glow). This is sometimes called a flared construct.
  • And item that gives telekinetic powers both. These powers will help you move energy.
  • An item that increases your mental acuity.

Stay safe and experiment well.