This name means the Healing of God. Often this angel is called the Divine Physician for that reason. So this could be considered a healing angel, but like all angels he would normally be represented in roman armour. Raphael does not actually appear in the bible, but does occasionally show up in the Book of Tobit which is sometimes considered accepted Canon in some churches. The Talmud and writtings of Rabbi Shlomo Yetzakh (Rashi for short) recognise Raphael as one of the angels who appears to Abraham.
This name supposedly appears in a pagan Ugarit text from 1300BC in EA333 to mean El has healed in Ugarit toungue. But I cannot find this in any translations available to me.
In the Arabic tradition this angel’s name is translated into the reflexive by imposition of a an “Is” at the beginning calling it “Israfil” (the being healed from God). In the Islamic tradition this is the Angel who will blow the trumpet to announce the end of the world although unnamed in the Qoran.
In Christianised Qabalah Raphael is associated with the Siphra of Tipheret on the Tree of Life.

In the Grimoire of Armadel translated by Mathers Raphael is said to be the angel that taught Solomon knowledge and wisdom. It reads that you must be pure, chaste and fasting to communicate with him. His sigil is said to join together active and passive which might be related to him being the angel of Tiphereth which is often related to a state of unity with the divine.
In gematria the name is 200 + 80 + 1 + 30 = 311. This could be related to the word for Man EYSh or the word for staff ShaBaT.
Though I find this method of name analysis wild, unpredictable and unfortunate, I have read in Thelemic commentaries before that the angel’s name is composed of Resh which represents the sun so is bringing enlightenment, Pe which means it does it forcefully with martial virility and it ends in El so it is an Angel who bared the scales.