This angel’s name means the strength of God. Gabriel is one of only two angels mentioned directly in biblical canon scripture. Gabriel is most well known for appearing to Mary to inform her of her pregnancy. Gabriel is also mentioned appearing to Daniel to elucidate his dreams. Gabriel (or gabril) was the angel who first appeared to Mohammed and squeezed him before revealing the qoran.
Gabriel is often depicted at the left hand of God and sometime described as the right hand of god because of his name meaning strength of God.
In the Islamic tradition because the G is pronounced as a J his name is Jibril.
In Christianised Qabalah Gabiel is associated with the Sphira of Yesod on the Tree of Life.
According to S. Mather’s unpublished translation of the Grimorie of Armadel Gabriel is the angel who taught the prophet Elijah all the mysteries of divinity. He is louded for his power and his ability to lead you to great good. He can teach restoration and translating of health and mental force.
(Now for the most unpredictable and wild qabalistical interpretation which seems to pass for Qabalah in some Thelemic texts.) Gabriel’s name is composed of Gimel, Bet, Resh, Yod, Aleph and Lamed. The Gimel means a camel which could represent a pilgrimage toward divine light and the house (Bet) of god. Where the initiate could find the light of the divine sun (Resh). Working towards yod the initial letter of YHVH and working toward the initial spark of the world the hand (yod) of God. Also the two final letters indicate that this an angel who bares the sword and the scales.
Gabrial’s gematria is 3 + 2+ 200 + 1 + 30 = 236 – A Name strangely absent from Sepher Sephiroth in the back of my version of liber 777 (Did Crowley deliberately leave it out here to hide something or was he being a fool?). Other words which relate to this same numebr include Myrrh and Mira’h vision or aspect.