This was one of the hardest angels to research. I opened so many books to find someone other than spoken tales. Often spelt Uriel this angel’s name means light of El. This angel does not appear in the bible or most related texts.
It’s rare to have such a viable name for an angel and then to not be able to find the angel in any grimmoires. Auriel is one of the few angels that doesn’t show up a lot.
In Agrippa he shows up as one of four angels of the corners and as the 46th part of the Shamhamphorash.
I was also lucky to run into him in Mathers Grimoire of Armadel where it said that he provided visions to Ezra and helped the Jews while in Babylonian exile. He teaches natural sciences, physic and medicine. He can lift the mind up into perfection and allow communication with spirits.
In gematria his name is 1 + 6 +200 + 10 + 1 + 30 = 238 which is the same as Rachel and Hebrew for dominus mirabilium.
His name begins with aleph, the Ox, then continues with vav hooking the breath to the sun to lift its path, taking the magician on his hermit jouney (yod). The name ends with AL signifying the angel bares the sword and the scales. (What I often feel is the worst way to analyse a name.)
It is worth noting that Ariel an angel who’s name means the Lion of El. Is often confused with Auriel and Dr John Dee believed the enochian system was revealed to him by the angel Ariel. Some sources believe that this may have been a conglomerate between Auriel and Anael (Hanael) the angel of Netzach and Venus. Though the lack of mention of Anael in John Dee’s work throws suspicion on this.
My own personal experience with Auriel is that I found him some what less accessible than other angels often saying “I wasn’t ready for him yet”.