Daoist nature worship and striving

Okay so I wish I was a Daoist (once spelt Taoist), but I’m closer to a Buddhist. As a person I have a mindset which constantly reminds me that I have this precious opportunity being alive as an intelligent human being with access to books, occult resources and the internet. I might never get this chance again. So I use it. I bring together what information I can and study hard. Every day I develop my understanding of the world and the things beyond it and try to refine and perfect my being. I AM NATURALLY A STRIVER. I am not naturally a Daoist who follows the path of Wuwei (least resistance).

The thing is, Daoism (once spelt Taoism) teaches us do not strive. I recently came across a Daoist video about mother earth. The Daoists love mother earth and try to recognise that they owe their lives to her. I however found the video hard to watch. For the first few minutes I kept saying, I’m not working hard and fast enough, this is too slow. I HAD to slow myself down and to watch all 1 hour and 40 minutes of it.

Frankly it was really worth it. I was able to relax beyond a base level of stress that I had been dealing with since I cut back on meditation. I hadn’t even noticed that I was living once again with so much stress. It had crept up on me.

This video was just what the doctor ordered and so I share it for all to see. Warning: it is in Chinese, but with English subtitles. Good luck remaining calm and patient throughout the whole video and not getting distracted. It was’t easy for me and I don’t expect it to be easy for you. That was the challenge for me that I needed right now in the midst of family drama, a recent death and a difficult work situation. This challenge released allowed me to relax freeing so much of my cooped up energy and increase my health. I even used the newly released energy to help heal the tendons I had torn on my foot in kungfu.

Finally the video focuses on some beautiful views about nature and our place in it as human beings which is great food for thought. I will not spoil it by repeating since I want everyone to take the time to watch the video.