Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic by Stephen Skinner – Book Review

This book is pricey but frankly it is worth it!

The book primarily looks at the techniques which were carried over from Greek occupied Egypt to roman Egypt as were delineated in the Greek Magical Papyri. There are some surprising similarities with Egyptian pagan beliefs and practices such as housing spirits in statues, coordinating work with positions of the sun when working with solar deities and use of intermediaries like a personal spirit. This really wakens us to what magical practice might have been light in Late Ancient Egypt.

The author highlights the importance that the techniques used in this 2nd-4th Century are the same techniques seen in grimoires 1200 years later and which are still popular today. The author comments on how mankind throws out things which do not work yet we have retained these techniques suggesting that they actually work.

One of the difficult things when working with the Papyri Graecae Magicae, is the organisation. Each section is a different spell and they are not organised according to purpose or any sensible system I can recognise. This book by Stephen Skinner brings together and compare similar parts giving the student a good background understanding in the practices used in the PGM. You just can’t pick up the PGM and work it, but with Stephen Skinner’s Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic you can. Don’t try to work the PGM without this book unless you are very well researched. If you want to do magic and act with confidence and authority. Buy this book!

I really don’t have time to finish this review, but will add to it more and more the more I use Stephen’s book.