Kether – The First Sphere of the Tree of Life and the divine name Aheyah

The name for Kether given by Rabbi Azriel of Gerona was Rom Ma’alah which means elevated height.

In her writing, Dion Fortune equates Kether, Tiphereth and Yesod to the holy trinity of Christianity. Kether being the father, Tiphereth being the son and Yesod is the holy spirit.


2 responses to “Kether – The First Sphere of the Tree of Life and the divine name Aheyah”

  1. […] eye symbolises the source of divine power in Kether. It is being manifested into physical existence. You might remember that the devil card represents […]

  2. […] to the people. In the writings of Dion Fortune, she equates the Sepher on the Tree of the Life, Kether, Tiphereth and Yesod to the holy trinity. So this card represents that power brought to the people […]