Energy balls: The how to guide

I recently received an archive of a website called and this article is a clumsy rip off of another named “Psiballs: The epic tale of how-to” that used to be online by a person who calls themselves, “SheepKing”.

It was websites like that really got me started with energy work. When I was young I was raised as a Christian. In the views of my parents anything that resembled witchcraft was evil and wrong. Alternatively, I told myself that psychic stuff would be okay (Mum disagreed). I watched TV shows like X-Men, so it seemed to me that psychic stuff was just using innate god-given gifts that you were born with, so what could be evil about that.

So while I didn’t use specifically there were a number of similar websites with names like and They often delivered the same articles, salt-and-peppered with people’s outlandish psychic ability claims, backed up by faked videos. The basic concept of them all was that that psi, psy or energy was a substance that existed and could be manipulated by thought. It is my experience that control and manipulation of energy is a major part of the magical tradition and while there are some awesome and powerful authors who want to kill all the energy hype, I’d recommend it to any magician / witch / sorcerer no matter how experienced.

The article had to be reworded to avoid legal plagiarism and I have taken this opportunity to try to make it easier to read.


The article starts here:


The energy ball is a ball of psychic / spiritual energy. It can be used for amusement or spiritual development by anyone. It is a more common practice for newbies to psychic development to help them learn to manipulate energy. You might find people claiming “energy balls are useless” but frankly, they’re wrong. Energy balls are basic constructs and they are simple in nature, but often the most simple task is the most profound.


To make an energy ball, you have to move energy, so that’s where we are going to start. This is simpler than most people realise. The energy ball is made by moving energy into a desired location and allowing it to form a small sphere. For the original author, the typical energy ball would be between baseball-sized and softball-sized, but you can make them much bigger. You can even fit one around the body and mentally harden the edges to make an effective shield. How about we make one as big as a house? Do you think we could stretch to city-sized balls?


Ok right so you’ll be wanting to get on and play with energy right about now, but first a short piece of advice. After a little practice of making energy balls, work on how to make them last. An article by a guy called “Peebrain” with the title, “So You Think You’ve Mastered Psi Balls?” is recommended and I’ll try to get that up soon too with the name “Thought you were done with energy balls? Think again” to avoid copyright infringement. Soon you will have tonnes of creative things to do with energy balls.


Right, let’s get started. So what do you do with your hands? Make sure you do not hold your hands in such a position that you’re going to strain them. It’s easier if your fingers aren’t touching. Do whatever feels right. Most people like to cup them slightly as if they are holding a ball.


First we need to get the energy flowing. This author recommends using the space I call the “solar plexus chakra”. Since some people are not sure where this is I’m going to be very specific. Take your right hand, place the palm on the centre line of your belly and move it upwards until your thumb just overlaps the bottom rib. About two inches inward from your palm is what I’m going to call “the solar plexus chakra”.


You want to picture this location in your body in your mind. Just concentrate on it. Visualise or imagine whatever you think the energy should look like. Some like to picture it as water, others as light, and some don’t have an image in their mind at all but feel a tingly feeling right where the energy would be. The original author claims to usually imagine a Bluey-White light. Imagine it in your solar plexus chakra swirling moving around slowly and try to feel the tactile sensation of this. What does it feel like to have energy swirling around in there?


Imagine it slowly moving up through your chest (avoiding major nerve clusters) and imagine it going over your shoulders. Picture it slowly while trying to feel what sensation it causes. Energy likes to follow your point of focus. Slowly lead it by focusing on your back and moving your point of focus around. Make it go down your arms to your hands. Let it collect in your hands for a little while before returning it slowly to the solar plexus chakra following the same path. Rinse and repeat until you’ve got it.


Time to make an energy ball. Pull the energy from your solar plexus chakra again but this time,  when the energy reaches your hands have it flow out of your palms and shape into a hollow ball. You are going to use this as a shell. After you have created the shell you are going to want to command it to maintain energy on the inside with a thought. You do not need to say thing outload but some people like to command things with their voice, if you prefer you can just say “shell” in a deep assertive voice. After you have made your shell, you need to fill it up. Lead energy with your mind from your palms to the centre of the ball. This is your energy ball made.


Try to picture it moving around in your mind. It’s not in your body anymore. Relax as much as possible when doing the above exercise. If you do not think you did it successfully, try again. Have fun with it, play with the energy ball and make it fly around the room. Enjoy it.


There are many different method of making energy balls this I just one of them. Some people find other methods easier some people find this method easier. Most of the principles of energy work are the same: locate your energy source, move the energy to where you want it and do what you want with it.


On the author Peebrain wrote: “Create the psiball the size of a beach ball, then when you feel you’re ready compress it down into a smaller, denser ball. A lot of people seem to have good results with this.”


You can try that method instead or fill the hollow shell like I said. Try both methods and settle for whatever works for you.