Vision and Values of my local pagan group


This is the result of a small discussion between pagans at my house. What follows are a few values that we pagans came up with. This is not in any way meant to be an exhaustive list of pagan values and many of the values here are not meant to be exclusively pagan. There are many pagans whose values differ from ours and many non-pagan groups who will share our values.

In order to run a group that consists of such a diverse people, as most groups of pagans can be, it is important take in to account the values of the people in the group and base the proposals for the future of the group on those values.

We value the following:

  • Communication with the divine (preferably two way)
  • Connection with Nature (recognising seasonal changes)
  • Connection with symbols
  • Connection with self
  • Awareness of the effect of heavenly bodies (in particularly the sun and the moon)
  • Being Proactive
  • Responsibility for morality
  • Responsibility for your own life (i.e. not being helpless)
  • Achieving Personal power
  • Recognition of the divine female
  • Nature as a whole (the good, the bad and that which transcends our own experience/understanding of reality)
  • Awareness of the vastness of nature and man’s small role in it
  • Spirit of place
  • Pursuit of knowledge
  • Fellowship & community with other pagans
  • Groundedness in reality (including recognising the emotional needs of others for example not telling someone “everything happens for a reason” at an inappropriate time)
  • Balance
  • Authenticity
  • Integrity
  • Mindfulness
  • The Artistic Lifestyle
  • Art
  • Mead
  • Food


Ideas for the group going-forward based on the values shared.

  • Celebration of Greater Sabbaths (to connect with nature, awareness of the effect of heavily bodies (sun)) Also sharing food and mead.
  • Celebration of Lesser Sabbaths (to connect with nature, awareness of the effect of heavily bodies (sun)) Also sharing food and mead.
  • Celebration of Esbats (to connect with nature, awareness of the effect of heavenly bodies)
  • Making Mojo bags and witches bottles (Personal power, Taking responsibility for one’s life, Art)
  • Symbolic Great Rite or similar rituals (Recognition of the divine female, balance)
  • Invocation and/or adoration of deities including but not limited to goddesses and deities of traits which can be perceived a negative (Recognition of the divine female, Nature as a whole, Balance)
  • Astrology course (Pursuit of knowledge, Awareness of the effect of heavily bodies)
  • Psychic / Mediumship course including meditation, energy work, thought-forms , astral projection and spirit-guides (Mindfulness, Personal Power, Pursuit of knowledge, Balance)
  • Crafting events such as Brigid crosses, Dolls, Poppets, magical tools (Art, Artisitc life-style, personal power, recognising the divine female, connecting with self, nature etc)
  • Eating and drinking together (Food, Mead and Fellowship/community)
  • Walk in local area of natural beauty (Connection with Nature)
  • Trip to view the stars / Astronomy (Connecting with Nature, Awareness of the effect of heavily bodies, pursuit of knowledge, Awareness of the vastness of nature)