The Importance of Syncing up

When I met with a magic student of mine whom I was teaching energy work. I noticed an important step in the energy work learning process that is emitted in Energy Work by Robert Bruce. The author fails to mention an important step in connecting with another person’s energy. Often you will have to sync up.

Two people with very different energies will rarely work well together. Sometimes your energy is so different to the other person’s energy that you pass straight through it, as easily as a Casper the friendly ghost can walk through walls! Syncing up is designed to prevent this.

Sometimes the energy just refuses to mix like water and oil. The end result can be a head-ache! Some friends of mine run an big meet-up of energy workers called the House Kheperu Gather. When they set a specific time for a “Sync up” at the beginning of the conference they immediately found that less people people felt that the energy had become too intense, less people needed to take breaks and less people got head-aches. So it’s really important.

How to Sync up… Basically you have to connect to the person to start with and then make the energies as similar as possible. The easiest way to do this is the exchange of a little bit of your energy for a little bit of their energy. Often the result can be beneficial for both people and both people will end up with energy which is closer to that of the other person.

You might start by reaching your energy out like a hose that goes from you to that person. There are some places where it is easier to connect these tube to and I will highlight these at the end of this comment. These Points are places where most people feel energy coming in and leaving the body is more comfortable and causes less problems, if any, to the subtle body and aura.

Once you have connected then energy can be exchanged through the connection and then mixed in to both participant’s systems. This should make the two energies similar. Some people who view energy in terms of colour, would experience the two energy systems being more similar in colour (red and yellow might mix to two different shades of orange) and people who experience energy in terms of different frequency would experience them as a more similar frequency.

If you do not want to exchange energy, for any reason, then you can visualize one person’s energy changing colour to match the other person or one person’s frequency slowing down or speeding up to match the other. There are other visualizations that are useful and other things you can imagine to aid this process, so if you figure out what works best for you, for the purpose of connecting to getting to energies to match up, then use that. Don’t be supprised if you are visualizing a change of colour and your subject experiences a change of frequency. It’s all down to how your brain tries to tell you what you wouldn’t understand in terms of a sense you are more accustomed to using.

Good places for connection

In the teaching of Chinese Medicine we see a number of open channels leading to the palms of the hands, the fingers, the nostrils, the mouth and the soles of the feet. These are very good for dealing with bodily energy but can be burnt out very easily if too much energy is passed through them. This is like putting too much energy through a wire and melting it a little bit, but remember that’s your inner energy channels, if they work as is claimed you REALLY don’t want them melting.

Also taught in the Chinese practice of Qi-gong is the yin-meeting point (huiyin) at the centre of the perineum (about the mid-point between the anus and genitals) and Baihui (the 100th meeting point) the highest point on the crown of the head. These are special points because they connect two important channels of energy, the governing vessel and the conception vessel which are often used to height energy. Connecting from these points can heat up the body a little bit and speed up the frequency in the individual who is connecting through them.

Most people who use the Chakra system feel that you can connect through the chakras. These are part of a more mystical system seen in Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Tantra. I say that this is focused more on mystical union and raising kundalini than the qi-gong system, because a lot of the qi-gong system was designed by Da Mo, a Buddhist, who hoped it would make the monks strong enough that they could meditate and achieve their mystical disillusionment through dhyana / zen, not through manipulation and building the energy system.

Because they are more mystical in nature it is not uncommon for people to use them to manipulate another person’s karma and connect to another person’s “higher” aspects. It is also worth noting that for many New Age practitioners the chakra system is also a health system, similar to the beliefs that surround the qi-gong system.

It is a commonly held belief amongst new-age practitioners that a person can connect through the Base chakra (muladhara) in the middle of the perineum through the same point as the huiyin described above or through the front or back of the body at the level of the bottom of the spine.

Often practitioners experience that an individual can connect to the Navel Chakra (Swadisthana) through the genitals or at the front or back of the body three finger’s width beneath the belly button.

Practitioners will tell you, that the solar-plexus chakra (Manipura) can be connected to through the front or back of the body from a position half way between the belly button and where the belly meets the chest/bosoms. This is often said to be the place where a lot of people feel guilt.

You will also experience that the heart chakra (Anahata) can be connected to easily at the centre of the chest and between the shoulder blades. This is often said to be the place where a lot of people feel love and emotions.

You could also try to connect to the throat chakra (Visuddhi) through the base of the neck. This is usually immediately above where the collar bones would meet. With this chakra there is a preference for connecting to the front of the body with most practitioners but many will tell you, you can connect to the back as well.

You could also try to connect to the third-eye chakra (Agni) through the space between the eye-brows. There is a significant preference to connect through the front of this chakra and not through the back. Many Kundalini traditions believe in a point called bindu at the back of the head, which allows the individual to retain his identity as separate from the universe and many mediums believe that when they try to allow themselves to channel and to permit short-term, controlled possession then they connect through the back of the head at the top of their neck to spirits.

Some also believe that the Crown (Sahasrara) also acts like a chakra and can be connected to through the top of the head at the same stop as the Baihui.