Michael is considered the most powerful angel. Revelation 12:7-9 has Michael as a leader of angels fighting a war against a dragon who fights back with the dragon’s own angels. Michael is stronger and as a result the dragon and his angels are thrown out of heaven to the earth. The dragon is revealed to be the serpent or Satan.
Michael is the most commonly appearing name in scripture. The book of Daniel refers to him as the protector of Israel and says he will arise at the end.
The letter of Jude refers to him as an archangel and he is the only angel referred to as such so when Thessalonians 4 refers to an archangel to proclaim the come of Christ it is assumed it must be him.
His name Mee-kha-ail means “Who is like El?” or “Who is like a god?”
Michael is considered the angel associated with Hod. Leader of the Bene Elohim.
In Samuel Mather’s unpublished translation of the French grimoire known as The Grimoire of Armadel, he is said to have revealed prophesies to the prophet Elisha and the reader is reminded of his near all-powerful nature.
Michael’s name has a gematria of 40 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 30 = 101 which relates to Malukah the princess to be. Ala’a meaning swallowed or destroyed and ASM a storehouse.
The name consists of mim connecting him with the self-sacrificing hangman. Yod shows his connection with the original spark of divine fire. Kaph shows his leadership quality by its connection to Jupiter and it ends with AL showing he would carry the sword and scales. (The more Thelemic way of analyse the name which I feel leads to the least consistency).