This name is the equivalent of saying “I be” in English. I appears in the Bible with the famous line “I am that I am”. This is symbolic of the ultimate transcendental state where one realizes what their ultimate connectivity to the universe is. In this state of being no thought occurs because it transcends thought and knowledge. It is the highest name of God associated with the highest and first emanations of God into existence.

Note that this name occurs in the Bible just before the plagues and the freeing of the Hebrew slaves, just before the Israeli God demonstrates his Occult power releasing slaves from Egypt so the name is a powerful initiator of action. Is it ready to release people from bondage and send them on a hard journey to “the promised land”? Is it a name with the power to spur people onwards in a pilgrimage? It is also a very holy name. Before the spirit reveals itself with this name, Moses is demanded to take off his shoes and recognise the land he is standing on as holy. The land before the manifest spirit that identifies with this name.
In a Qabalistical meditational practice known as Gematria, each Hebrew letter is related to a number and this holy name would be 1 + 5 + 10 + 5 which adds up to 21. Other related words could be HGYG (Deep Meditation), or ZChV (Purity).

After God reveals himself with this name in the Bible even the text which refer the name Elohim / El switch to referring to God as YHVH which is likely a derivative of this name meaning “He be”.